User blog:Chaos Shepherd/WIP dream custom neighborhood

Cloudcuckoo Island

I could never figure out create a wold but I wish I could make my own neighborhood. I want it to be a big island, with plenty of room for families. With a big ominous hill on the far side of it. Some are from pop culture others from my own mind.

Households still WIP

The VonDooms a well of household of 5 EVIL siblings, based on the four horsemen and a Five bad band

Incurable, it's the Hulk. Hulk Smash

Bin Diver

Normal Family

We are not Aliens... I mean hello my name is Caption. Which is a Perfectly human name, this female is Ambassador and the other one is Doctor they are my associates. We are not Aliens from a destroyed home world no we did not blow it up. We just wanted to move to a nicer place. We do not live alone on a hill near a junk yard becouse we are building a Robt. We are perfectly normal humans that are not Aliens. Living in a normal house. Not an underground fortress no we do not look at the stars feeling home sick. We are humans.

The Addams family

(Sorry I can't help myself) Just a Family of every Life state

The Doctor

Balance family

A Red and a blue Sim can't be brother and Sister? Tell that to Burney and Marina. Burney is a Hot headed genius, Mariana is a calm artist.


Ben and Gwen are two hero's that fell in love when they were kids. Whale Gwen's ready to settle down Ben is not ready to stop being a hero.