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Please leave a message on my talk page if I can help with anything about the wiki! Dharden (talk) 05:53, May 26, 2013 (UTC)

Your edit in lot assignment Edit

The fact that you changed "Adventure destination only" to "functional in adventure destination" makes it have different meanings. The note "Adventure destination only" means that the lot assignment can only appear in adventure destinations, whether or not enableLotLocking is enabled. It's just a lot; you can set it to any assignment. It doesn't matter whether these lot types are functional or not, because that will be determined by the game itself.

For example, I can make my own university hangout in base world. The option is already available in the game. Is it functional? We can't tell, but surely Sims can still visit there, and university hangout is one of the only lots where Sims can start protesting at. In other words, I still can use it in the base world for whatever purpose. The same goes to group science park. It's only available in university world, but I can save it in the bin and place it in the base world. I can visit there if I want to, because it doesn't have any special purposes in the university world either.

With these reasons, I believe it's more practical to include the information "Adventure destination only" to the list, instead of the functionality. Nikel Talk Vote! 07:02, July 10, 2013 (UTC)

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