User talk:LyteRaynbowz

Fanon pages Edit

Talk pages aren't for discussing your fanon stories. I'm only pointing this out, because you don't seem to be aware of this regulation.

I'm sure you may already know this, but if you want to contribute fanon pages, create them by clicking the contribute button found on the right hand corner close to the top of the screen. Then create your fanon page. Make sure all fanon pages are preceeded by "Fanon:". C.Syde65 (talk) 04:44, March 26, 2014 (UTC)

Thanks for letting me know, I think at one point a while ago when I was on here they were like that, just to talk about what the characters ended up like on the players games and all that. I thought that was just discussion, not necessarily Fanon but that's cool. I've made fanon before tho so I know what to do. Thanks again LyteRaynbowz (talk) 02:33, March 27, 2014 (UTC)

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