Vampire powers/Powers

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Icon Power Description Tiers
Vampire Rank 1
Detect Personality

Learn all about another Sim's traits.

Do away with tedious conversations and getting to know others. (Sim Name) will learn other Sims' personalities instantly by visiting their frontal lobe himself/herself.
Bat Form

Gain the ability to fly anywhere as a bat.

Nobody ever suspects the bat, and no one certainly won't suspect (Sim Name) flying about as such. Move from hither to yon, and even find love, as a sonar wielding creature of the night.
Cast Hallucination

Make another Sim talk to themselves!

Everyone needs a friend, yes? What if the friend is one of (Sim Name)'s devising, and what if it doesn't really exist? No one will be able to tell!
Eternally Welcome

Gain the power to lock & unlock doors at other Sims' homes.

Having to ask permission to enter the home is so pedestrian. Not only may (Sim Name) enter a home without invitation, with just a small burst of Vampire Energy he/she can lock and unlock doors as he/she sees fit. Will he/she wreak lock havoc? Of course!
Tier 1: Occult Student
Tier 2: Occult Disciple
Tier 3: Occult Master

Use less Vampire Energy!

Tier 1
(Sim Name) is beginning to study his/her Vampiric Energy and the many ways it can be used. He/She can expend less energy for the same effect. Further study will reduce Vampire Energy costs even more...
Tier 2
Through study and practice (Sim Name) has reduced the amount of Vampiric Energy needed to fuel his/her powers. Continued study will yield even greater efficiency...
Tier 3
A Master manipulator of occult power, (Sim Name) has finessed his/her Vampiric Energy use to the ultimate in efficiency. The cost of using all powers is significantly reduced.
Vampire Rank 2
Tier 1: Vampiric Charm
Tier 2: Vampiric Allure
Tier 3: Vampiric Fascination

Make nearby Sims find (Sim Name) attractive.

Tier 1
(Sim Name)'s Vampiric Charms makes him/her all the more effective at the game of love.
Tier 2
Your ability to attract and seduce other Sims has grown beyond mere Charm to full on Allure.
Tier 3
With but a single glance your seductive charisma can lure a fascinated mortal to your side...

Conflicts with Undead Aura.

Vampiric Strength Description 3

Control the minds of other Sims.

When life's pesky errands must be run, spare (Sim Name)'s cuticles and soft, ancient hands, and have him/her command others to perform Cleaning, Repairing and other joyful household tasks instead.
??? Description 1
??? Description 1
Vampire Rank 3

Put another Sim into a trance.

When a prey is moving too quickly, or just won't stop talking, or (Sim Name) simply wants to force a Sim into a catatonic state, he/she simply needs Mesmerize.
??? Description 3
Irresistible Slumber

Put another Sim to sleep.

What if (Sim Name) could command others to sleep at will? His/Her will, that is! Irresistible Slumber will drop them to the floor with nothing but Zzzzs and snoring to show for it.
Manipulate Life Spirit

Gain the power to Drain Life Spirit from other Sims, or Restore Life Spirit from those who have been drained.

Unlocks true power over life itself! Drains Life Spirit from other Sims, making them highly susceptible to adverse vampiric powers. Enables (Sim Name) to protect the ones he/she loves, or simply refresh his/her prey using Restore Life Spirit.
Tier 1: Vampiric Slumber
Tier 2: ???
Tier 3: ???

Increases rate of Power gain during sleep and lets (Sim Name) sleep more soundly.

Tier 1
What's the point of being undead if (Sim Name) has to sleep like the living? Vampiric Slumber will provide a deeper, more relaxing sleep that replenishes his energy more quickly.
Tier 2
Tier 3

Conflicts with Fitful Sleep.

Vampire Rank 4
Dark Meditation Description 3
Supernatural Speed Description 1
Deprive Needs Description 1
Tier 1: ???
Tier 2: ???
Tier 3: Perfect Sun Resistance

Become completely immune to the sun.

Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
The sun's rays are a disastrous downside of the vampiric path. No longer! With Perfect Sun Resistance, (Sim Name) can completely ignore the sun's destructive rays. They will wash over his/her skin harmlessly as he/she becomes a day walker.

Conflicts with Thin Skinned.

??? Description 1
Vampire Rank 5
??? Description ?
??? Description ?
??? Description ?
Mist Form Description ?
??? Description ?