Whale Ate My Parents

The Sims Medieval

Whale Ate My Parents is a trait in The Sims Medieval. It is listed under Traits. It conflicts with Hopeful Orphan.

Carnivorous, Sim-eating whales were a constant threat back in Medieval times. Indeed, legend has it that the ocean was formed from the tears of orphaned children whose parents were devoured by these underwater menaces.

Attributes Edit

  • Whale Ate My Parents is a strange trait that behaves like a Fatal Flaw, which sometimes causes the Sim have a "Whale Rage" moodlet of -10 focus unless the Sim "Shouts at the ocean" at the docks, "Goes whale hunting" in the ship (going whale hunting requires special weapons), or talks about whales to another Sim.
  • When one of the above actions are completed, a +15 "Whale Rage Satiated" focus moodlet is obtained, which prevents the Whale Rage moodlet from appearing. Obtaining this by social interactions is not difficult to perform and can be used to augment a Sim's focus.

Unlocked Interactions Edit

  • Shout at the Ocean
  • Go Whale Hunting
  • Share Whale Story
  • Discuss Whale Hunt

nl:Walvis heeft ouders opgegeten