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The Sims 4

For the self-employed Writer career in The Sims 3, see Skill career#Writer.

Writer is a career track introduced in The Sims 4. This job comes with two branches, Author or Journalist.

Game description

Get paid to express your ideas with beautiful turns of phrase, and words - wonderful words.

Position Levels

File:Writer Thumbnail.png Writer Career Levels
1) Writer's Assistant
[Sim] is about to learn what it means to pay his dues as an assistant-assistant coffee-getter, assistant fact-looker-upper, and assistant paperwork-filer. After a while, he may even get to do some writing, although his boss will take the credit. §25/hour No Bonus
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 11:00 - 19:00


Performance Factors
Read Books
Perks: No
2) Blogger
It's more important to write fast than to write well...does [Sim] have what it takes? Bloggers only get paid if they get clicks, so he'd better study the things people click on. (Cat videos and numbered lists.) §32/hour Bonus

-§ 402

-Milton Word Processor

S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 11:00 - 19:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 2
Read Books
Perks: Milton Word Processor
3) Freelance Article Writer
Now [Sim]'s working for himself, writing what he wants...or at least paying clients want.Unfortunately, paying clients want articles about "10 Creative Ways to Eat Mushrooms" or "Hot Tips to Drive Your Dog Wild." It's not glamorous, but it's a living! §38/hour Bonus

-§ 502

-Still Life with Apple and Pitcher and Books and Bottles and Flowers

-Pitch Story Idea Interaction

S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 9:00 - 17:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 3
Write Books
Perks: Still Life with Apple and Pitcher and Books and Bottles and Flowers
4) Advice Columnist
He's always thought of himself as a know-it-all, but now [Sim] is a professional know-it-all. The life of an advice columnist is full of deranged in-laws, mailmen without personal boundaries, and secret second families. But only if he's lucky. §44/hour Bonus

-§ 612

-The Thinker

S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 09:00 - 17:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 4
Write Books
Perks: The Thinker
5) Regular Contributor
It's important to have a beat. [Sim] didn't actually have any knowledge about his beat before he started writing about it, but if you sound convincing, you are convincing. The readers will never catch on! The secret? Use lots of big words. §50/hour Bonus


-An Open Book, Framed

-New CAS parts

S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 08:00 - 16:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 5
Write Books

Perks: An Open Book, Framed, New CAS Parts 

After being promoted from Regular Contributor, Sims will be able to choose one of the two career paths, Author or Journalist branch.

Author Branch

If you love the freedom to embellish and invent, the Author's life is for you. Call up a character, chase after a tale.... The written word is yours.

Writer Career Levels - Author Branch
6) Short Story Writer

If you love the freedom to embellish and invent, the Author’s life is for you. Call up a character, chase after a tale…. The written word is yours.

It’s not like <sim name> can’t write longer stories. It’s just that he/she doesn’t want to! Long stories are overrated. Who has the attention span for all that? And novels just end up getting adapted into movies anyway, and your Sim’s pretty busy already, so….

§60/hour §956
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 13:00 - 21:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 7
Earned §500 publishing books

Perks: Antique Tomes

7) Novelist

Most novelists don’t go crazy alone in deserted hotels in the winter. Most novelists don’t die penniless in the streets. Most novelists are happy, well-adjusted, and creatively satisfied people! <sim name> keeps telling himself/herself that….

§115/hour Bonus Unknown
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 13:00 - 20:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 8
Write 5 books
Perks: Nom de Plume Quill Pen
8) Fan Favourite
The fans love him/her. The critics hate him/her. <sim name> might be churning out sub-literate dreck, but his/her books sell like crazy, so his/her publisher keeps paying him/her. And that’s the real measure of literary success. Right? §202/hour Bonus Unknown
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 12:00 - 17:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 9
Earned §2,500 publishing books
Perks: The Muse
9) Bestselling Author
Bestselling authors have a tough life-going from talk show to talk show, receiving honors, counting endless stacks of money – but <sim name> has worked hard to join their ranks. Of course if the critics don’t like his/her next book his/her career will be over, but no pressure. §296/hour Bonus Unknown
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 12:00 - 17:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 10
Submit 5 books to literary digests
Perks: Door of Perception
10) Creator of Worlds
The hardest part about creating a sprawling, multi-volume fantasy epic? Thinking up all those crazy names like Cloydon DeBarboot and Frimzy Peppernoodle. Definitely the names. Oh, and also dealing with the really strange, inappropriate fanfic. §465/hour Bonus Unknown
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 12:00 - 18:00


Performance Factors
Perks: None

Journalist Branch

Words can be powerful weapons, when used to expose the truth. As a Journalist, you'll dig up important dirt and scatter it for all to see.

Writer Career Levels - Journalist Branch
6) Page Two Journalist

Words can be powerful weapons, when used to expose the truth. As a Journalist, you’ll dig up important dirt and scatter it for all to see.

Municipal rezoning? Dog-catcher elections? The local beat isn’t always glamorous, but at least <sim name> can use the power of his/her job to crush his/her enemies. Now he/she gets the best restaurant tables and the cleaners never shrink his sweaters.

§56/hour Bonus Unknown
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 8:00 - 16:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 7
Charisma: 2
Write 3 articles
Perks: Antique Writer's Desk
7) Front Page Writer
His/her crack reporting skills and snappy writing have landed <sim name> a plum assignment covering breaking news. Toppling governments! Catastrophic natural disasters! A pop star with a new haircut! <sim name>’s on the big stories now. §83/hour Bonus Unknown
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 8:00 - 15:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 8
Charisma: 3
Write 5 articles
Perks: The Where Should I Go? Ball
8) Investigative Journalist
If he’s/she’s lucky, he’ll/she’ll be the reporter who cracked the biggest scandal ever. Someone, somewhere is up to no good, and <sim name>’s determined to find them. <sim name> loves revealing wrongdoing and making the big money, not always in that order. §145/hour Bonus Unknown
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 9:00 - 16:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 9
Charisma: 4
Earned §500 from articles
Perks: Antique Typewriter
9) Editor-In-Chief
He/she decides which stories run and which get killed. He/she keeps circulation up and costs down. He/she produces amazing journalism, and if he/she could figure out how to make people actually pay for it, he’d/she’d really have it made! §189/hour Bonus Unknown
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 9:00 - 16:00


Performance Factors
Writing: 10
Charisma: 5
Earned §2,500 from articles
Perks: Deep Thoughts Bookcase
10) Scribe of History
<sim name> has transcended day-to-day news and now spends his/her time looking backward…studying what has been, and what it all means. Future generations will study his/her works, and many more will use them as very fancy doorstops. §287/hour Bonus Unknown
S M T W T F S Pension unknown
Hours: 10:00 - 16:00


Performance Factors
Perks: None

Pre-made Writers