13 Skyborough Boulevard

13 Skyborough Boulevard
Lot type Residential
Lot size 60x60
Number of floors 4
Occupants Gunther Goth, Cornelia Goth, Mortimer Goth
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 3
World Sunset Valley
Game The Sims 3

13 Skyborough Boulevard is the house of the Goth family in The Sims 3. It is a large gothic manor at the end of Skyborough Boulevard by the Pleasant Rest Cemetery in Sunset Valley.

Antiquated Victorian elegance has been preserved exquisitely in this landmark home. The first home built in this town, Goth Manor presides over the town and is located in convenient proximity to the local graveyard.

The first floor includes a large kitchen, a chess area, a dining room, a bathroom, a foyer and a large living room. The second floor features Gunther and Cornelia's bedroom, two bathrooms, Mortimer's bedroom, a guest room and a study. The third floor is an attic, and the fourth is a tower and roof terrace. Grey siding and dead trees on the property give the house an aged look, bringing out that the mansion was the very first house in Sunset Valley. Dark wood work throughout the house gives it the Gothic feel. Some people believe the back "greenhouse" was once an indoor pool. It is possible, though speculative, that this house was the original estate that Mortimer burned down.

The Goths have their own family graveyard, where Victor, Gretle, and Lolita Goth, as well as Simon and Prudence Crumplebottom are buried.

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