Ancient Ruins (neighborhood)

Ancient Ruins
Ancient Ruins
Neighborhood · Featured in: The Sims 4: Get Together
Ancient Ruins
Windenburg's prized ancient ruins bespeak a silent whisper of the civilization who lived here long ago. Enjoy walking paths through the historical architecture in the afternoon sun... or joining your friends for the occasional secret party.
Lot type Ancient Ruins
Value §3,350
Lot size 20x15
World Windenburg
Game The Sims 4: Get Together

Ancient Ruins is a special neighborhood located in Windenburg. It is located next to Olde Platz and has one lot; Ancient Ruins. The lot itself is very small and has huge ruins next to it, which is the spot where special parties are hosted, that also appear in The Bluffs and Von Haunt Estate. The surrounding area has a bonfire, bushes for Sims to WooHoo or pee in, and an entrance to Olde Platz. It is a great place for Sims to go on a date, or hangout with friends.

Ancient Ruins can be accessed from the map, but is also accessible from a gate that is located in Olde Platz.

ru:Древние развалины (район)