Claremont family

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The Sims 3 Store

Claremont family
When Morgan took a new job in a new town he had no idea that his mother-in-law would be tagging along! What was supposed to be a "short visit" when their first child was born has turned into an extended stay. Will true love triumph over a meddlesome mother-in-law?
Name Claremont family
Members Morgan Claremont, Sammi Claremont, Tabbi Claremont, Endora Kravitz
Number of generations 2 generations
Family connections Kravitz family
Lot 69 Golf View Road
Funds §14,000
Difficulty level 4 of 6
Other information
Game The Sims 3 Store
Playability Playable
World Lucky Palms

The Claremont family can be found in the downloadable neighborhood Lucky Palms. It consists of the married couple, Morgan and Sammi Claremont (née Kravitz), the couple's daughter, Tabbi, and Sammi's mother, Endora Kravitz.

The family is a parody of the Stephens family from the TV series "Bewitched". They have this in common with the Durwood family of Moonlight Falls.

pt-br:Família Claremont ru:Семья Клермонт nl:Claremont familie