The Sims The Sims 2 The Sims 3 The Sims 4: Get Together

Diving board
Game The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims 3, The Sims 4: Get Together
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §300[TS][TS2], §575[TS3], §315-§370[TS4GT]
Object type(s) Fun
Size 3x1, 2x2[TS4]

The diving board is a build mode object in The Sims, The Sims 2, and The Sims 3. It must be placed on the side of a swimming pool, and must stick out over the water. Diving boards, as such, do not exist in The Sims 4, but a related object, the diving platform, was introduced in The Sims 4: Get Together.

In general, how well Sims dive, and how likely they are to change their minds about diving once on the board, depends on their body or athletic skill. However, a Sim with high Body/Athletic skill may still do a poor dive, and may still get nervous and decide not to dive. Players can put the diving board on a higher floor in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, but Sims will not jump properly, as in The Sims 2, Sims will chicken out of the board or teleport to a nearby area on the upper floor, whereas in The Sims 3, Sims will teleport to an area nearby on the upper level.

Sims will use a diving board autonomously. This could cause a minor problem in The Sims, as a Sim who wanted to dive would not get out of the way of a Sim who was trying to walk off the board. The Sim who wanted to leave the board would be stuck until the Sim who wanted to dive changed his or her mind and walked away.

The Sims Edit

Diving Board
A diving board makes it all the more fun to get into the pool. Always make sure there's enough water before you leap.
Game The Sims
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §300
Object type(s) Fun
Size 1x1 land, 1x2 water

Sims who have low Body skill or are shy may chicken out on the diving board. Sims may use the diving board autonomously, which could cause minor issues with Sims being unable to get off the board if they chickened out while another Sim was trying to use the board simultaneously.

The Sims 2 Edit

Diving Board
A diving board makes it all the more fun to get into the pool. Always make sure there's enough water before you leap.
Game The Sims 2
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §300
Object type(s) Fun
Size 1x2 land, 1x4 water

Sims who have low Body skill or are rather shy may tremble on the diving board, and may even chicken out and back off the board rather than jump. Unlike The Sims, they will not get stuck on the board if another Sim is waiting to use it, as the Sim who is waiting to use the board will move away from it. A visibly pregnant Sim cannot use a diving board.

The Sims 3 Edit

Diving Board
The pool is but a stage, and the diving board is your place in the spotlight. It is the ultimate platform to showcase your style. Everyone is watching! Will you execute a fancy dive? The crowd pleasing cannonball? Will you completely chicken out? The choice is yours?
Game The Sims 3
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §575
Object type(s) Fun
Size 1x1 land, 1x3 water

The diving board returns in The Sims 3 in Patch 42,[1] which is relevant to The Sims 3: Seasons. It is similar to the diving board in The Sims 2 but costs more and has some more interactions.

Sims can drench nearby Sims who are not swimming when diving into the pool, making them soaked. The larger a Sim is, the bigger the splash the Sim will make in the pool. Stunt moves such as "cannon balls" or "swan dives" may be possible. Sims will not chicken out of the diving board or tremble on it.

Diving can help a Sim to increase the hidden Diving skill. The Diving skill was originally available in World Adventures, which can be only gained by using the dive wells. Patch 42 introduced the skill to users without World Adventures, and also allowed children to gain the skill. The patch also changed the maximum skill level from 5 to 2. This caused Sims who tried to use the diving board to reset if they already had more than two points in the diving skill.[2] This glitch was fixed in patch 50.

The Sims 4 Edit

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Diving platforms were introduced in The Sims 4: Get Together. They must be placed by the side of a pool, but unlike diving boards, do not stick out over the water. Sims can use these platforms to jump or dive into pools. Sims can jump into the pool normally, or do a backflip, cannonball, or a swan dive.

Jump-And-Splash 8000 Edit

Jump-And-Splash 8000
Tired of taking wimpy little hops into the pool? Yeah, so are we. Now with the extra Jump-Anh-Splash 8000, you've got all the latitude you need to complete cannonball annihilation.
Game The Sims 4: Get Together
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §315

Belly Flop of the Ancients Edit

Belly Flop of the Ancients
Have you ever back flip in a toga? The ancient knows better. There's much to be learn from the patient and skill ways of those who swam before us.
Unfortunately, it would be three centuries before the swimmng suit was invented.
Game The Sims 4: Get Together
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §330

Mr.Jumpy Jump Edit

Mr.Jumpy Jump
Amp up the fun in your backyard pool with Mr.Jumpy Jump! With moments of bringing Mr.Jumpy Jump home, every kid in town may want to come flocking like wild ravaging wildebeest. Wait, maybe you don't want Mr.Jumpy Jump...
Game The Sims 4: Get Together
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §370

References Edit