Hardiman family

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Hardiman family
Name Hardiman family
Members Dan Hardiman, Kate Hardiman, Buster Hardiman
Number of generations 1 generation
Lot Serenity Falls
Funds §4,498
Other information
Game The Sims 2: Pets (console)
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Whiskerton

The Hardiman family consists of Dan and Kate Hardiman, a married couple living with their dog Buster in The Sims 2: Pets for consoles. They are fairly affluent considering they live in Serenity Falls near the Paw Valley Waterfall.

The family lives in a nice house with a library and trampoline. Unlike most houses, this house has no TV and the only sources of entertainment is the trampoline and chess board. The latter fact might annoys some players, as there are no places to place a TV unless the house is renovated.
