The Sims 3: World Adventures

Hidden tombs (or hidden lots) are a new kind of community lot and lot assignment introduced in The Sims 3: World Adventures

This article or section is being considered for merging with Tomb. See the discussion page for details.

When a lot is tagged with this type they will not generate a map tag and so will be largely indistinguishable from other the surrounding terrain unless inspected closely. Although introduced in World Adventures, this lot type functions in The Sims 3 without the expansion pack if it is set through the Create-A-World tool. Hidden Tombs do not have to be a tomb, they can be decorative, or a secret lot containing rare and usually inaccessible items. NPC and townie sims will not try to route to hidden lots, and they will not visit you on them. There are many lots designated as Hidden Tombs throughout the subhoods of Shang Simla, Champs Les Sims, and Al Simhara.