Lord Mole

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The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS)

Lord Mole
Gender Male Male
Age Adult
Life state Sim
Ruler of a subterranean race of mole people, he is a feisty lad with Utopian dreams.
Hair color Black
Eye color Grey
Skin color Pale
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Strangetown

Lord Mole is a Sim in The Sims 2 for Nintendo DS. He first appears in the Sundeck playing around with the dish installed by Optimum Alfred. Your task is to stop him playing around by squirting him with your water gun.

Once the game is over, Lord Mole can not be checked in to the hotel although he spends most of his time in the Hotel Lobby and in the Town Square.

Secret: Is afraid of the dark.

Lord Mole
Gender Male Male
Age Adult
Life state Sim
Self-proclaimed ruler of a subterranean race of mole people. Lord Mole is a feisty man with utopian dreams.
Hair color Black
Eye color Grey
Skin color Pale
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game The Sims 2 (GBA)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Strangetown