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[[File:TS4_Hydration_Need.png|thumb|201px]]A Mermaid's needs are different from a Sim in one way:
*'''Hydration -''' In place of Hygiene, Mermaids have Hydration. Mermaids need to regularly hydrate their skin to stay happy, they can satisfy this need by drinking water, taking a bath, and going into the pool or ocean. Hydration is also needed to use their mermadic powers. Being out in the sun drains their hydration need faster than at night.
Once a Mermaid's hydration need is empty, they will not become human or die; instead, they will remain extremely uncomfortable until they can hydrate their skin,.
*'''Hunger''': Unlike in The Sims 3, a mermaid does not need to eat just kelp and fish. In fact if a mermaid Sim eats something made of seafood, they will get a 1+ uncomfortable moodlet stating '''Stomach Squall (From eating fish) Devouring the fishy friend has left a foul feeling within. '''This moodlet will last 4 hours in total. Other meats are okay unless the mermaid is vergetarian.