The Sims 3: Pets

Patch Miller
Gender Male Male
Age Puppy Puppy
Species Dog
Breed Dalmatian
Named for the cute black mark over his eye, Patch was adopted from the local fire station after an unexpected litter of Dalmatians were born. As an honoree member of the fire department, this pup struts around with head held high.
Family/Families Miller family
Owners Quincy Miller, Jacquie Miller. Maisy Miller
Traits Playful
Likes Swimming
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Pets
Playability Playable
World Appaloosa Plains

Patch Miller is a pre-made male puppy dog, living in Appaloosa Plains. Patch is 7 days away from becoming an adult. He is Best friends forever with Maisy, friends with Altman Rush and Hailey Shepherd. Patch dislikes Pippa Rose and he is enemies with his roommate Mozart Miller.

pt-br:Pathos Miller ru:Заплатка Миллер nl:Patch Miller