Sam Thomas

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The Sims 2: University

Sam Thomas
Gender Female Female
Age Young Adult
Life state Sim
Sam makes friends with boys far more easily than she does with girls: she just doesn't understand why girls are so 'weird'. She enjoys baseball and Chinese food.
Education and employment
Major Psychology
Year Freshman
Family/Families Thomas family
Marital status Single
Household Freshman household
Roommates Jared Starchild, Ty Bubbler
Zodiac sign Aquarius
Aspiration Popularity
Lifetime want Become Captain Hero
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Skin color Dark
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game The Sims 2: University
Playability Family bin

Sam Thomas is a Freshman in Sim State University who is studying Psychology. She is a member of the Freshman household, located is in the student bin when the game starts.

She lives with her roommates, Jared Starchild and Ty Bubbler. Sam is the only girl on campus who doesn't have a crush on Castor Nova, besides Jane Stacks who is already moved in with the Bright household. This is probably because Sam is not moved in when the game starts, and does not know anyone outside of her household, apart from Jane.

Her Lifetime want is randomized when Sim State University is added to a neighborhood. The want "Become Captain Hero" is only referenced in the game files. Like several other Sims from Sim State University, starts off with no gender preference. She is 72 hours away from the final exam in her first semester, when she is first moved into a household. When editing in SimPE, Sam's zodiac sign is not recognized.

Strangely, when her relationships are viewed in SimPE, Sam recognizes Aiden Reamon as her uncle, but the relation isn't mutual, as Aiden doesn't even know her. Sam also recognizes Jane as her mother, and vice versa. The reasons for these unlikely family connections are unexplained, but there are a few other playable Sims from University that have these sorts of quirks.

Simology[edit | edit source]

Sloppy 4 Neat
Shy 4 Outgoing
Lazy 5 Active
Serious 5 Playful
Grouchy 7 Nice

Image Interest Level
Environment 8
Food 8
Weather 3
Culture 4
Money 3
Politics 5
Paranormal 2
Health 8
Fashion 7
Travel 8
Crime 2
Sports 8
Entertainment 7
Animals 4
Work 5
School 3
Toys 3
Sci-Fi 2

Image Memory Type
Met Mystery Sim Positive
Made Best Friends with Mystery Sim Positive
Had Very First Kiss with Mystery Sim Positive
Kissed Mystery Sim for the First Time Positive
Went to College Positive

Other languages[edit | edit source]

Language The Sims 2
English Sam Thomas
Brazilian Portuguese Samanta Tomás
Chinese 山姆 托马斯
Dutch Nettie Toonder
French Samantha Samuel
German Sam Thomas
Japanese サム トーマス
Korean 샘 토마스
Norwegian Sandra Thomassen
Danish Susanne Thomsen
Polish Samanta Pięciolinia
Russian Саманта Трофим
Spanish (Spain) Pili Tomás

fr:Samantha Samuel es:Pili Tomás no:Sandra Thomassen ru:Саманта Трофим pt-br:Samanta Tomás pl:Samanta Pięciolinia