The Sims 3: World Adventures

Shower in a Can
Legendary adventurer Jared Jenkins created this product for adventurers who need a quick way to refresh themselves when returning to society. In a tense moment around a campfire, he learned it was also great for putting out fires.
Game The Sims 3: World Adventures
Buyability Community lot
Price in game §120
Object type(s) Needs
Size >1x1

The Shower in a Can is an inventory item introduced in The Sims 3: World Adventures expansion pack.

A Shower in a Can can be useful during adventures or long trips away from a home lot. This item allows Sims to replenish their hygiene motive completely, and also allows them to put themselves out if they catch fire. Shower in a Cans can only be purchased from markets in the sub-neighborhoods of Al Simhara, Champs Les Sims, and Shang Simla. It can also be purchased through the debug shop menu through the cheat testingcheatsenabled true.

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ru:Портативный душ