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Arriving back at Toane's Gym Goldie and her brother welcomed Char back and complimented her on her fitness. "I bet I got there before you did." Char teased as she went to make dinner. As she did so Peter went to pump iron for a few hours before deciding to use the treadmill as an excuse to a faster workout. When dinner was over Goldie began to help Char plan the gym's opening for tomorrow afternoon after they got home from work. "Best be plenty of food and music." Char suggested as the restrooms needed remodeling. "But the restrooms?" Goldie asked. "Two more toilets and stalls will be added soon. Don't worry." Char said, going for the chess set. "You really play chess." Goldie scowled, going for the weights. "Yeah..." Char muttered, deciding to use the weights to get Goldie off her back. She was even satisfied. After lifting for four hours straight Char put down the weights and called it a night. Peter was off the equipment an hour before and gave Max a towelsnap as Char walked by them. Max laughed and went with it, but when he got Peter back Peter yelled and just went to bed without a word; he was in a slight bad mood. The next morning around six when things were alright and Peter's mood was better Char made breakfast for everyone and they ate. The work bus for all of them appeared and they went to work in good moods, Char and Peter getting promoted. "Maybe we should have the party after Peter and I get promoted again." Char suggested to Goldie as she made dinner. "And how long will that take?" She sassed; she was uncomforable after a while. "As long as Peter pumps iron we'll be closer." Char answered, cooking the meal. "Excuses." Goldie scowled. "Oh hush. Dinner will be ready soon." Char scowled, finishing a minute later. She then served the meal and everyone drew to it. After they ate Peter drank some coffee before returning to his work outs as Char hit the treadmill for the fun of it. Goldie went to bed as Max left the gym. After a couple more days of being at the gym Char and Peter were both promoted and the party was on. "Hi. Welcome to Toane's Gym." Char often said as other things were being taken care of. The five main guests came through, but certain ones like her friends Chase and Woody Tutti weren't there. But Randy was. She invited those two over and got them signed up once they arrived. "That's three." She said as the others were having fun. Peter was working out once he finished eating. Noticing her mother was there, Char walked over to her and chatted until she was friends with her. "You want to join the gym?" Char asked. Her mother nodded and signed the membership. "This place is great." She smiled, soon walking off. Char smiled in relief, glad to have those meatheads off her back. She then announced she was leaving as Peter was lifting weights. "Way-what?" He called. But his wife was already gone.
At Club Rubb Malcolm showed up, yelling as always. Char wanted so desperatedly to have him arrested, but that had to happen at Pixel Acres. She never forgot about that peaceful place and her promise for them. Once Malcolm left in such a hurry in which he appeared to about fall over, Char got into action with heroism as Peter went to do his own thing. After a while there were two new bedrooms, refurbished restroomrestrooms, proper indoor kitchen, and two new bathrooms inside the new bedrooms. The place actually appeared as a night club. The current owners, Bing and Mona, were relieved for better sleeping and bathing conditions, but the dance floor was still awaiting. "We'll get it once we're  promoted twice." Char promised, going for a shower. "Whenever that is." Mona sneered, going to DJ. "Hey, our hands are tied. So chill." Peter hissed as he decided to go for the weights placed in the main room. Bing turned his way, wondering if he was just told what to do. But he ignored fighting the command and went to make lunch as though nothing happened. The next day after everyone arrived home from work, Peter returned to his workouts as his wife was promoted ahead. She went to work on charisma while the other two did their thing. Once she finished she went to become friends with the two before calling it an evening. And when she was five hours later due to good moods, she went to sleep. Peter at last had his recommended body skill and joined his wife as she slept. Alas, they could somewhat hear the DJ Booth in the Night Club. When they woke up the next morning close to seven Char made breakfast as Peter cleaned up after last night as the owners were asleep in their bedroom; Bing ended up missing work due to staying up all night. Mona's bus would arrive within five hours so she had time. But Char's and Peter's in just three. As they stood in the club eating breakfast Char said, "Apparently they had a wild night." Peter said after swallowing, "It appears to be. Bing missed his bus as I was walking in here." They finished up and put their dishes in the dishwasher, relaxing for the time being. They sat down in chairs and then got up, changing into their uniforms and leaving. A couple hours later Mona got up, complained, got dressed, and left for work, leaving Bing alone. When he woke up around one he got up and went to make lunch as his friends would be home by three. Girlfriend by five. As he was serving it Char and Peter's bus arrived; they were home. Peter was promoted and so was his wife. "Yeah, well I'm going to be doing more body building. *Sigh*" Peter sighed. Char consoled him with a hug and they walked in the night club, going to eat. Once they did Peter went to work out and Char went to Dj. After work the next day Char visited the gym and preformed the recommended three triple flips the "meatheads" bragged about. "Unflippin' beliveable." Max sighed as he was looking at the floor, head down and hand against forehead. "That's what I'm talking about." Char bragged, leaving while cackling an evil laugh. "But how-?" Goldie was cut off once the door shut. Char walked over to her vehicle and got in, the loud engine rattling the night. When she arrived home to the night club everyone was either relaxing or dancing to the DJ booth as the dancde floor has not been yet returned to the club. "You got game!" Mona hollered as Char walked in through the front doors. "Who's the dominator now?" She asked, acting popular. Peter eyes his wife, unable to say anything from laughing too hard; her bragging made him laugh. "no answer." said the club owners. "Uh, more for me." Char muttered, going to the fridge. She then began make dinner as the other three were doing their thing. After Peter got promoted to Char's level in their career Char decided to get the dance floor and have the Ultimate DJ Dance Party. Only one sim from Free Street: Woody. The others from moveable areas showed up and began to chow down at the dinner plates as the current residents continued to set the place up. "Alright, people...-" Char hollered as the others finished eating. They looked at her as they were laughing. "Get ready to rock this place!" Char finished, going tover to the DJ booth. She began to scratch at level ten as they guests were cleaning up. Peter went over to the dance floor and began to dance, inviting over the guests. They began to join as Char DJ'ed, having fun. The lights flashed and went wild as Bing turned on the sonic light show, more light at it. Mona joined and everything went haywild. Some of the guests were crowding into the restrooms, but Peter hollered Club Rubb's the bomb. Others who stayed agreed. When the police showed up Char instantly quit scratching and called Peter, letting him know she's leaving. He nodded and left when she did.
When they arrived at Tinsel Bluffs, home of the movie stars, Malcolm showed up and began to make a fuss at Humphrey for blowing the previous movie. BUT OF COURSE he threatened to cancel his contract if he didn't get a new star. He stole a well-needed microphone and something else before leaving. Char gave him the finger as he ran by her. After that was over with Fanny, Hunphrey's partner in movies, begged for help as the others had. "That'll take time, guys. And plus that will work better once I'm in the Movie career anyhow." Char said, sounding exhausted. She went to bed as Peter and Humphrey began to interact. "You going to help us or what?" Fanny sneered as she went to the espresso machine. "Fanny, she's asleep." Peter said, overhearing. She sneered and drank. When Char at last woke up around five in the morning she began to upgrade the place to shut up the owners and get her peace of mind. But eventually the owners began to brag about them being ont top of the world. They even brought up something about a movie script. Char actually had to yell at them to shut up about it. But they ignored her. When she and Peter got home from work and were promoted the same day three hours before the movie stars Char instantly left to go to the gym and beat up the owners for putting a damper on Fanny's and Humphrey's career. "-All it takes is a hot body." Max bragged as Char walked up to him. She then got in the fight with him and won, clapping off the "dust". Max was groaning from the pain. Char smirked and then left. When she arrived back at the "castle" Peter was still waiting for her there. Luckily the owners weren't home yet. "Now where?" he asked as he stood there. "The club. I'll be back when I can." Char promised, leaving again. She arrived minutes later as the party was still going on. The cop was still hanging around as she might have froze when Char left. But things were fine; nothing out of place. She walked in and went over to the pool room where the red pool table was silently sitting. She grabbed a stick and began to play. Bing joined after the cop left. He watched her moves each time she played, but she kicked his booty, laughing. "I'm the loser this time." He sighed, staring at the floor. "Maybe next time, Bing." Char cooed, not being sassy this time. She then left as she got the ability to visit a lab somewhere in a wasteland. Arriving Peter was staring at a newspaper as he was waiting for her return. "You beat him at his own game- nah don't continue." He said, soon chuckling. "I still have to go to... Shiny Things Lab." His wife informed slowly. "Babe, that'll be the third house tonite. Rest." Peter said, throwing away the paper. "No, Hun. It's tonight. That way they'll be done and over with." She disagreed, leaving again. Peter sighed in frustration. "This area's weird." Char said as she was driving through the hot deserts. She finally came to the looks of a dump when she arrived. But there were boxwood shrubs and plants around the lot. She didn't so sure. But getting out she went inside and sat on a stool to collect her thoughts and get comfort... bored at the same time. But she got up ten minutes later and went to find the movie script Fanny was telling her about. She then found the brain tank in the far corner. It didn't appear to be any use until it began to "tell" her the script. She stood there for several minutes, listening to it and getting interested. About a half hour later after the first ten she had it sold. She then pulled a burn on the brain and left, laughing because it never thought about that. When she arrived back home to Peter as he was in the house, making dinner. "Was the script good?" he asked, stirring the meal. "It was pretty good. Too bad the brain couldn't see it or nor the amount of money it made." his wife chuckled, joining him in the kitchen. "Should've been a movie star." He laughed, serving it. The smell was amazing and appeared to have time taken to be put in it. As they ate and talked quietly they could hear the obnoxious sounds coming from SimCity (or by appearances: Hollywood or Los Angeles). Hundreds of people down there were blaring horns at each other that night. "You need to do any skills, Love?" Char asked her husband as she was cleaning up. "No I was building when you were out the first time, but played sneaky." He answered, going to the bathroom. Char chuckled and went for the master bath, going for a bath. She prepared it and got in. Peter finished up and took a quick shower, getting rid of sweat. Once he finished he went to bed, followed by his wife a half hour later. When they awoke the next morning around seven Peter went to do some more working out just to be safe; it turned out to be he wasn't quite finished with his ninth skill. Char made breakfast and he joined once he was finished right after she served it. "Weren't done yet?" Char teased, eating. "Nah." He said, eating. She chuckled and they ate in silence. When they finished the bus arrived and they got a move on and left. Once home around three Char pulled a prank on the owners and visited Pixel Acres to work on her friendship with the Hippies. "I'm so glad you came." Chase said he was getting off a bench. Char hugged him in greeting. "How you doing?" She asked gently in his ear; she wasn't being romantic. "I'm well." He answered, letting her go. She smiled and went to hug Ying in greeting before dinner there was made. "You want to join us, Char?" Ying asked, setting the table. She thought for a moment, then saying, "Sure. I'll be able to digest." She then ate with them. She forgot how remarkable their cooking was, as well as forgetting about them being Transcadentallists. She then told them where she's currently at and why she planned the visit. Chase laughed. "Them movie stars can be very annoying." He said, putting his fork down. He got up and went to the easel. Ying and Char finished a little later. "I'll get it." Char offered, cleaning up. "Thank you, Char." Ying thanked. Char smiled and put the plates in the indoor dishwasher, glad she paid a visit. She then played a game with Ying before Chase arrived from finishing his painting. The three played for a while before Char had to get going. She hugged them goodbye and left as it was way after EIGHT at night. Arriving to Tinsel Bluffs at nine at night Peter was in the main room, waiting for her. "Decided to have fun without me?" He teased, not angry. "Just don't want them nut-jobs here." She explained, going to make dinner; Peter forgot. He sat on a yellow sofa and napped for a while until dinner was ready. He woke up to the scent of the pasta and joined his wife as she made enough for the two of them. She bet the others were annoyed from being at work two days in a row. "Well Fanny shouldn't worry about the script." Char said as she ate. "Man, Humphrey was on my back on that." Peter sighed, sounding agitated while eating. His wife chuckled and they finished a half hour later. Peter went to the treadmill as Char cleaned up, soon going for the weights as an excuse for her boredom. "Figured you'd join." Peter teased, running at his max. Char didn't say anything; she loved watching her husband work out. She knows he'll be like her someday; famous and the best of the best. He certainly is the handsomest man she's ever laid eyes on. Well, so is Chase. His caramel skin seems to get to her when he's in her view. And his dark green eyes...- they're the dark pine in hers when she's feeling at ease and having fun. And his features?... they're- wait!? Why's she thinking of Chase? He ain't her husband, only a handsome friend that she can think of at the right time. But now's not; she's working out. Even half the time at night she dreams of him. But why? After they got their promotions the next day they got out of there, moving back to the birthplace of their first child.
"Ah... paradise." Char said as she walked in with her husband. "Our time." He said, feeling a bit romantic. "Calm down, Tiger." She teased, going to clean up plates that were long ago left behind. Peter cusses for no reason as he goes to the treadmill, hoping to complete his final skill. It took him until nine at night to. Char was already on the couch sleeping, listening to the waves out back. Peter walked into the kitchen, grabbed a plate of fresh food, and went to eat. He finished by ten-thirty and cleaned up, sleeping on another couch so-forth. The next morning around five as they were well rested they got up and Char made breakfast as Peter was in another room. He then took a quick bath before eating. After Char did the phone rang and she answered it, being offered a baby. She denied and explained why, the people understanding. They hung up with her and Char went for a quick bath, refreshening. Peter was already finished by then. He went to eat and was finished by the time Char was done with her bath. Once both were ready the bus arrived and they changed for work, leaving. They were promoted when they returned. 
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Background story: Part 3: Vast majority of the other careers
Char lost count of the days and friends as Peter became friends with them in order to stay. They both ran through the same careers to prevent loss of count on the career board. Char finished off careers with Dudley in two months and started careers with Mimi, his sister, with Counter Culture. She was annoyed by the deserts she went to, but was relieved she could help The Octagon, including Casa Caliente. Octagon Missions-especially by shutting down hackers and punishing the anti-war protestorsprotesters and eliminatngeliminating Senator Landgraab by trapping him in an enclosed room with a crying baby. Of course General and the others took turns caring for Char's second daughter, Scott. But what was the inconvenience of messing with Goth Manor? Char never got that. But what made her most relieved was getting the Tesla Coil at the Lab. It made hers and Peter's mechanical fly. Of course that's science being introduced. It was rather easy for Char to become friends with everyone for a short period of time until Peter stepped in and helped. And returning all of the love equipment back to Casa was a major help to the love shack. But staying there in Counter Culture while Peter was in Gangster not only got it back but Char chose various guys to score with such as Woody or Chase as the first guy and Peter the next. She eventually learned "Kiss Romantically". And at Pixel Acres: Chase had other things to do like hit on Char and make love to her when her husband wasn't around. Sometimes they ended up missing work due to over-sleeping and had to clean the place as a punishment. But during the time being Char and her husband got out of hand and had a son as their third child: Sabastian. Then at the lab during the Mad Scientist career where things got experiementalexperimental and crafty. "We can't leave your list unless something wrong goes on." Makino, who's from Shiny Things Lab, had said while eating. Then her partner Vauhgn said something so complicated that Peter had more trouble understanding at first, until he learned it was from the Tesla Coil, in which he had some form of fun using. And making rocket knomesgnomes and putting on a show with them? Big deal. But hypnotizing a bunch of artists that think they're better? "Not my kind of thinking. I love art. It's much better than what them eggheads do now-a-days." Char thought as she went to do her duty of that. But alas, she seemed to have the worst of the difficulty; visiting other people and taking things, attacking, and preventing things. It seemed as though she were in a portal; nothing made sense. But it was life. And tearing down and completely redoing Studio 8 was another thing. "Why wasn't the place acttractiveattractive from the start?" Char wondered as she did the plans. There was the answer: it was mainly a warehouse. But what was helpful to Pixel Acres was that as soon as Char got the Simphony Synthesizer during the movie star career, she moved out of Goth Manor for a while and moved to Pixel Acres. "You got what's needed?" Chase asked as Ying was making dinner. "Yep. And it's coming shortly." Char grinned. Chase threw his arms around her, giving her something while Peter wasn't there; a French kiss. "Holy-" Char thought. Luckily Ying was also in the entertainment house. Chase let go, apologized, and walked off, wondering why he did that. Char snickered in response as the Synthesizer was placed. "I have to go. I'll be back." She informed. The others nodded as they heard. Char left and went back to Goth Manor, playing on the organ as it has a "problem". "There's the problem." Char thought, getting the Pixel Booty song. "You fix it?" asked Mortimer, owner of Goth Manor. "Yeah. You didn't have the top song." She answered,  getting up. He nodded and she left, going back to Pixel Acres. Once she arrived back she hit the organ as the others who were outside went to, you know, pixel-mode. Peter got up and went to throw the party as Ying decided to make more food. Chase was sitting on a bench outside as he was gaining comfort. As Malolm arriivedarrived Char got off the organ and waited for everyone to show up. As soon as five other guests came the other three came back outside and Char hit the organ again, causing everyone to hit pixel-mode. Char chanted and the police came to take Malcolm away, leaving everyone, including Chase and Ying themselves, free. "We have to go now, guys. We'll be back as soon as we can." Char said, hugging Ying goodbye. Peter was outside cleaning up. Just as she went to give Chase a hug as he was in the only bedroom of the entertainment house, he switched it to the French kiss instead. "It's just for the help." He explained as he let go. Char was stunned, but knew he wasn't doing it to toy with her; it's because he loves her. "I'll see you." Char said, letting him go after he let go. "Sorry." He said as she went to the door. "It's fine." She smiled, walking out the door. She then let Peter know they were leaving as he walked in. "Okay." He said, not sure of why. Afterwards when they returned things were still the way they were: Mortimer was playing the organ and Bella wasn't home yet. They then got a move on with the career as charisma and body wasn't such a big dea'deal; they was mostly taken care of because of the Jock career. By the time they got to Tinsel Bluffs Char had actually had a strong friendship with Malcolm, but it was only for being in his next movie. When she and Peter got passed Sex Symbol the microphones were returned and the only thing mainly heard around the house was singing, including the beejapaphone guitar being played. It took a couple days to get to Director, but then the party occurred. After the guests and the original residents have eaten (Fanny and Humphrey finally came home) Peter decided to sing at the microphone as Malcolm was getting entertained. She waited until he was done doing his routine to ask about his big movie. It took her two tries but she finally got it. "What areliefa relief." Humphrey sighed in relief as he watched Char shake hands with Malcolm. "I'll do my best." Char promised him. Malcolm nodded and went on with the party. But alas, Char and Peter had to get going. They left Tinsel Bluffs and made way to the mansion. When they arrived they were promoted the next day due to the microphones. "Glad to be at ten?" Peter asked as he let it go. "It was fun." Char smiled, letting hers go. "But one more career to go." Peter sighed, looking around. "Yep." His wife agreed. She went for the newspaper, switched for the Fashion Victim, let Peter do the same, and they were out of there.
Background story: Part 4: Fashion Victim (To be Continued)
Back at Mimi's for the final time Char and Peter greeted her and went to do their own thing. Char was tired so she went to bed. Peter went to paint on the easel to kill time. As he was painting a wedding scene Mimi began to get on his nerves. So he quit painting after a while and went to bed, hoping she'd leave him alone. Along the way he snapped, "I'm a married man. Just leave me be." Mimi stood there, stunned. Peter was even muttering things as he crawled in bed. The next day when they arrived home from work and were promoted Char kept Mimi away from her husband as he was at the easel, working on another painting. Just to keep her distracted Char decided to build a miniature club out back of Mimi's house. "Go outback." Char said to her once it was built. She shrugged and walked away. "And don't come back." Char muttered sneakily. Peter had walked into the kitchen at the same time his wife said it. "You sent her out?" He asked low. She nodded and Peter hugged her. "There's a mini home in there for her." Char said low as he let go. Peter laughed low and said, "What a relief. She won't stop flirting with me." "I know. She tried to get information about you from me. I kept my lips sealed." She said low, wrapping her arms around him. In their huggighugging position they chatted, glad tomorrow's their last day there. "Hey,-" Peter began low. "She might be a friend but I ain't going any farther. She wants a man she can have-" He paused, thinking. "She can Rod, then." He said low. His wife eyed him, not knowing who Rod is. "Whoever that is yeah then." She said, embracing her husband. He smirckedsmirked and then laughed, the two laughing. The next day they were out of there after getting promoted. "Take the stove you had." Char called once it was placed. Mimi was in shock; she had everything she had back.
At Studio 8 the Grand Opening had to be planned. "This'll be my last time here. So I wanted to wait." Char told Charity. "You could have told us." She said; not angry for an odd reason. "It's always best to wait until the best time." She explained, deciding the easel. "And when was that planned?" Charity asked, arms crossed. "Long time ago." Char replied slowly, walking away. Charity sounded annoyed at that. But once the Grand Opening started two days later the artists were at ease. "The guests are amazed." Peter said low to Artie. He nodded in agreement. "Yeah but music was needed, too, though." Char explained as the guests were having fun while examining the art works. "There appears to be time and effort put into this." said one of the serious guests. "Oh please. The main thing needed was just music and much better wallpaper and flooring." She snickered. "Or a completercomplete renovation." He said, walking away. Char laughed once, then walking into the main room. It was loud with other people laughing, TV's on, and music playing. Everyone was enjoying themselves there, for once. And when the cops came to calm it down Char and Peter left, getting away from the crowd.
When they arrived to Club Rubb for the last time the tiki torches were burning bright as the palm trees were swaying gracefully. "Here's our last time here." Char told Peter as she got to his side. "Yep." Peter agreed, they walking in. As usual the DJ booth was on and the music was pounding through the speakers. Bing and Mona were dancing on the dance floor as the guests from before were still there, having fun or else trapping each other in the stalls in the restroom. But a couple ended up falling asleep while standing in front of each other as they were sitting down. "At least we have our own bathrooms." Peter whispered. "Yeah really." Char agreed. "I'll be asleep if you need me." she said, going to their side of the bedroom house. "I'll be in here." Peter sighed, going to the pool room. He sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV, sitting back for a few minutes. Bing and someone else came in and began to play pool as the cop came in, yelling at him for not throwing off the party. She returned an hour later, fining Bing and leaving. The party was then over after that. After a few more hours Peter went to bed as the other two decided to horse around in the club itself. The other two began to wonder when they'll learn. It wasn't long before BIng walked into Char's and Peter's room, hoping to use their bathroom. They grinned in their sleep, ignoring him. Bing tried to shoo them out, but had no luck. He gave up and went to use his and MOnaMona's bathroom, giving them privacy before going to bed. He only slept for about two hours before getting up and going to work. Char woke up with her husband and made them a quick breakfast, leaving Mona to make her own. They went to work an hour later and were promoted when they returned. Bing was in the club itself, dancing to the Dj booth and messing around. "You could have cleaned up." Char hissed as she and her husband walked in. Bing ignored her as though he didn't hear her. Peter shrugged as he was getting a form of annoyance in his eyes, the green a little bit more stronger than it usually is. But he kept his cool as Char went to clean up, he joining her. Bing eventually turned around and jumped, not expecting to see them. "When'd you get here?" He fretted. "Uh... just now." Char said slowly, putting her plates in the dishwasher. She then moved so Peter could. "Uh." Bing said, going to mop up a puddle. "If you want a party thrown tomorrow then'll you'll have to help us clean. We aren't going to be here any longer." She said as he finished cleaning it. "Yeah. You leaving tomorrow." BIngBing sneered, cleaning another. Char sighed and just went to bed, Peter going for the same room. Once Mona arrived home the club was lively with music and chatter, but from only two people. Peter had to actually holler at them to quiet down after he was done getting a shower. Realizing they weren't able to hear him he growled and just went to bed, not in the mood to deal with them. The next day after his mood was relieved, Char made breakfast for him and herself, cleaned up, and they went to work for the last time there and getting promoted. Bing was still cleaning up even after he got home from work. "Must be some bad pig or something." Peter muttered as he adjusted his fashion shirt. "Yeah, really." Char agreed, going to make dinner for the promised party. Peter went to throw it as Bing finished. "I spent two hours cleaning." He complained as Mona walked in through the door; she was throwing away newspapers. "The party?" Peter reminded once he got off the phone. "Hmm." Bing said, going for the restroom. Oddly, there was still people in there; there appeared to be a glitch. One yelled as he evenuallyeventually woke up. Char, Peter, and Mona looked over to the left, wondering the chaos. They shrugged and went on with themselves until the guests arrived. Mona then went to make more food to be safe. "NEED SOMEBOD'A WITH SKEELZ!" someone hollered while eating. He eventually spit food on Humphrey as he was beside him. He appeared to not notice. After Peter ate he went to DJ as Char was the dance floor volunteer. She began to invite over the guests as they were having fun. They began to pile on it while BIngBing ate and Mona danced. Guests were still in the restroom, preventing others from leaving it. But when the cop came Char collected her husband and left, giving the club the SlushRush bar back after it was taken.
Arriving at Tinsel Bluffs for the last time Char and Peter went to bed as the first thing, confusing Humphrey and Fanny. "Well, it's been awhile." Fanny said after the original greeting. "Yeah."Char said slowly, going to bed without another word. Early in the morning around five Char went to make breakfast as Peter went to another room, doing something. He could smell the moringmorning meal as it wafted into the room he was in as it was being cooked. He finished up and made way to breakfast. Once they ate and the other ate they left for work, followed by Char and Peter two hours later. As usual when they returned home from work and were promoted Char went to visit Pixel Acres to check on her friends. Chase was out front taking care of something as she arrived. "Ah, you're back." He greeted as she got out of her limo (in which she traded her Dude Buggy in for). "Yep. There's peace and quiet whentwhen hethe stars aren't home." SHeShe agreed, going to hug him. He also kissed her at the same time during the greeting hug. Luckily Ying wasn't out there to witness it. "Come in, come in." Chase said, inviting her in. She nodded and followed him in. "So you're on your last career? Whoa." Chase said as they walked in through the doors. "Yep. Peter and I will be back when things get finished." She promised. Chase nodded. "Char!" Ying called as she went to greet her friend. "How you doing ?" She asked, letting go. "Only need two more promotions and I'm done with this." She answered, letting go. "You'll be back as promised, right?" "Of course. I'm not living in the mansion of that degenerate any longer than I should." The women began to laugh. Chase smiled at the statement and began to make dinner. Once it was made they ate and went to have fun for the time being. It wasn't until long Chase decided to make love Char again as Ying was outside swimming in the pool. He's been romantic, but he never appeared to be a stalker about it. Just wanting to have fun. After the "game" Char waited an hour before she decided she had to leave. "So long. Don't forget to come back." Ying called as she was standing by a bush. "I will." Char agreed, leaving. She could see Chase's face in rearview. When she arrived back home it was after nine; Peter was in the house wondering. She walked in the house as he was coming from another room, worried. "You get lost?" He teased instead, going to embrace her. "No, just partying." She answered, embracing him. She kissed him good evening as she smelled rather foul. What was it from?-love making or just sweat? Peter's eyes narrowed,  but then realized it was only his imagination. He slightly let go a shrug and invited her to their bedroom, playing cat and mouse. It was after eleven when they finished. Just deciding to go to sleep, they woke up around eight to get cleaned up and eat, have fun for a few hours before going to work. And when they got promoted that night around one in the morning it was bye-bye.
Arriving at Malcolm's Mansion for the final time the couple went to bed and had their minds on work as they hope to become Super Models. But of course an hour later Peter got up and went for a dip in the pool to cool off and have fun for a change. He then made breakfast around five as Char was waking up, rubbing the slightness of sleep from her eyes. She then got up and went to join her husband for breakfast before he decided to nap on the couch. Char cleaned up when she finished and went for a swim, cooling off. She wanted to get as much done here as possible before leaving for good. It was paradise, but the place made her feel miserable due to the fact it once belonged belonged to a degenerate. Getting out of the pool, she decided to do some upgrading by putting in colorful wallpaper in every room and better flooring to make the mansion stand out better. She then used "Manor Granite" on the outside, making the place unrecognizable. It soon suited her. After Peter woke up from his nap around ten he and Char began to do stuff together to kill time. They mainly spent their time watching TV, but then played chess for the time being. Peter beat her at it as the bus arrived. They changed for work and left, getting promoted once they returned. "Well,-" Char began as she held her husband in her arms. He stared into her eyes, listening. "Let's go." She said, kissing him. He shared it with her before she let go, changing and then leaving.
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Background story: Part 5: Finishing it off
OF COURSE there was one last place that needed finished up on: Toane's Gym. "Yeah, but I need to get to that party, see who's there, and then move out to other locations." Char said as she and her husband stood in front of the remodeled gym. "Go on. I'll be waiting." Peter said patiently. She nodded and left, ginggoing to Dudley's party. When she arrived he greeted her and began to throw the party, then making dinner. Char sat on the couch in his house, waiting for the guests. When they arrived she wrote down who came and left, puzzling Dudley. She went back to Toane's Gym, moved out, and began to move into the house in which she needed to become friends with people. It took her about a week, but when she became friends with Pamela from Free Street and bringing up any other friendships she was ready for that party again. Moving back, she revisited Dudley's, stayed for the party, and increased her relationship with him. He popped the statement and bragged, letting her know she succeeded. Leaving after the cops showed up, she moved out of Toan'es Gym and moved back to Pixel Acres with her husband as promised. Chase and Ying never appeared to be so glad and proud at the same time. But of course, Chase had a hidden plan up his sleeve, as usual. But doing as promised Char helped upgrade the place and there was even more entertainment than before.
(adult- this Fanon is officially complete)
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