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When a Sim dies of starvation, fright or by disease, they stand up, wave their hand (if dying by starvation), collapse on their knees and then lie down to a conformable position. The Grim Reaper walks towards the dead body and turns them into a grave.
Quando os Sims morrem de velhice, há dois finais de vida que podem obter, com base em sua aspiração. Se eles tiverem algum nível de aspiração, da falha ao verde, o Grim Reaper virá com uma trilha negra de fumaça e segurará uma ampulheta vazia, o que significa que o Sim não tem mais tempo de vida. O Sim tentará então pegar a ampulheta da mão da Morte e girá-la de volta. O Ceifador então o recolhe e aponta com raiva em uma direção. O Sim caminha até lá, e uma urna ou sepultura (cinza claro) é criada. Se o Sim moribundo estiver em aspiração de ouro ou platina, a Morte virá usando uma lei havaiana rosa e terá uma trilha de fumaça branca. Dois zumbis hula aparecerão na sala e uma música havaiana relaxante será tocada. A morte apontará lentamente para o Sim que está morrendo, de uma maneira não irritada, e o Sim irá recuar e agir tímido. A morte então estenderá os braços como se fosse abraçar o Sim, e então lhes dará um copo tiki com um limão ao lado. Então a Morte fará as malas do Sim, e o Sim, ainda tímido, sorrirá e partirá lentamente para a vida após a morte. Se o Sim estava com aspiração de platina, sua urna ou sepultura será dourada e branca e mostrará o símbolo de sua aspiração.
When Sims die of old age, there are two life endings they can get, based on their aspiration. If they have any aspiration level from failure to green, the Grim Reaper will come with a black trail of smoke, and hold up an empty hourglass, meaning that the Sim has no more time to live. The Sim will then try to grab the hourglass out of Death's hand and try to flip it back over. The Grim Reaper then snatches it back, and angrily points in a direction. The Sim walks there, and an urn or grave (plain grey) is created. If the dying Sim is in gold or platinum aspiration, Death will come wearing a pink Hawaiian lei and will have a white smoke trail. Two Hula Zombies will appear in the room, and relaxing Hawaiian music will play. Death will slowly point at the dying Sim in a non-angry way, and the Sim will back up, and act shy. Death will then hold his arms out as if to hug the Sim, then will give them a tiki glass with a lemon on the side. Then Death will pack the Sim's bags, and the Sim, still being timid, will smile and slowly head off to the afterlife. If the Sim was in platinum aspiration, their urn or grave will be gold and white and will show the symbol for their aspiration.
Em geral, quando dois Sims em uma casa estão programados para morrer no mesmo dia, o Ceifador virá primeiro para um e voltará depois para o outro. No entanto, se ambos os membros de um casal casado ou de união tiverem que morrer no mesmo dia, ele pode levar os dois ao mesmo tempo.
In general, when two Sims in a household are scheduled to die on the same day, the Grim Reaper will first come for one and will come back later for the other. However, if both members of a married or joined couple are scheduled to die on the same day, he may take both at once.
===The Sims 2 (console)===
InNesta this versionversão, theo GrimCeifador Reaper onlyaparece appearsquando when aum Sim hasmorre. died.Os Sims cannotnão pleadpodem withpedir himque toele savesalve theirseus lovedentes onesqueridos. HeEle can bepode onlyinteragir interactedcom with bySims [[ghost|fantasmas]] Sims. TheO Sim hastem ana optionopção tode challengedesafiá-lo himtocando by playing the violinviolino (ifse theo Sim hastiver highmuita creativitycriatividade, charismacarisma ande logichabilidades skillslógicas ande hastiver diedmorrido incom aum Platinumhumor moodplatino, heele /she hasela highertem maiores chances ofde winningganhar) or payou himpagar-lhe §100 topara returnvoltar toà vida life. InNos eitherdois casecasos, theo Sim will be resurrected andserá theressuscitado Grime Reapero willCeifador burnqueima ande disappeardesaparece.
===The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS)===
InEm [[The Sims 2 (Nintendo DS)|''The Sims 2'' forpara Nintendo DS]] , thea aparência do Grim Reaper's appearanceé iscompletamente completelydiferente differentde fromsuas hisvestes usualnegras blacke robesfoice and scythehabituais. InsteadEm vez disso, heele wearsveste whato appearsque toparece beser aum largegrande browncasaco coatmarrom ande largeum browngrande hatchapéu marrom, giving himdando-lhe thea lookaparência of ade ghostlyum cowboy fantasmagórico. ItTambém canpode alsoser bevisto seenque thatele hetem hasolhos yellow eyesamarelos. AlsoAlém disso, insteadem ofvez theda scythefoice, heele usesusa aum sacksaco topara "collectcoletar" the deados Sims mortos.
A arte conceitual dele pode ser desbloqueada ao longo do progresso do jogo.
Concept art of him can be unlocked throughout the progress of the game.
===AppearanceAparência inem The Sims 3===
TheO ReaperCeifador ofde ''The Sims 3'' hastem littlepouco backstoryhistórico ande nevernunca appearsaparece outsidefora ofdas deathsequências sequencesde unlessmorte, moveda inmenos beforeque seja movido antes do patch orou theo playerjogador ownsseja Theo dono da Porta Doorda OfVida Lifee Andda DeathMorte (The Sims 3 Store). There isuma aestátua statuedele of him inno [[Pleasant Rest Graveyard|cemitério de resto agradável]] inem [[Sunset Valley]] . HisSeu skintom tonede ispele midnighté black andpreto heà wearsmeia-noite ae blackele hoodedusa robeuma túnica preta com capuz. HeEle hastem auma veryvoz deepmuito voiceprofunda, butmas ifse movedele inse hemudar, willele haveterá voicea voz 1 atem anum averagetom pitchmédio. TheA reasonrazão forpara thisisso isé unexplainedinexplicável. InNeste this gamejogo, aum Sim cannão nopode longermais pleadimplorar forpela avida deceasedde Sim'sum lifefalecido, butmas afterapós aum certaincerto patch, theyeles willprecisarão needjogar toxadrez playcom chessele withe him and winvencer. Wearing certainVestir outfitscertas orroupas makingou himdeixá-lo nakednu willrevelará revealseu histom blackde skinpele tonenegra.
===AppearanceAparência inem The Sims Medieval===
A aparência inteira do Grim Reaper foi alterada para se ajustar ao tema "Medieval", como mudar sua roupa da cor preta para vermelha, dando-lhe pequenas asas, dando-lhe mãos roxas com unhas compridas em vez das ósseas e refazendo sua foice . Quando o Ceifador aparecer, ele fará o espírito do Sim morto voar no ar. Então, ele desaparecerá indo para baixo da terra, levando o cadáver Sim com ele. Neste jogo, ele não pode ser pleiteado pela vida de um Sim.
The Grim Reaper's entire appearance is changed to fit the "Medieval" theme, such as changing his outfit from the color black to red, giving him small wings, giving him purple hands with long nails instead of the bony ones and re-doing his scythe. When the Reaper appears, he will make the dead Sim's spirit fly into the air. Then, he will disappear by going under the earth, taking the corpse Sim with him. In this game, he cannot be pleaded for a Sim's life.
===AppearanceAparência inem The Sims 4===
InEm ''[[The Sims 4]]'' , theo Grim Reaper hastem auma slightlyaparência differentfísica physicalligeiramente appearancediferente comparedem tocomparação thecom previousa seriessérie anterior. TheO GrimCeifador Reaperveste wearsuma acapa black,preta moderne cloakmoderna, insteadem ofvez ade uma torn-downcapa cloakrasgada. WhenAo reapingcolher theas soulsalmas, theo GrimCeifador Reapernão notem longermais hasa thelista deathde listmortes onem aum piecepedaço ofde paperpapel. InsteadEm vez disso, he'llele useusará aum tablet whereonde hemantém keepsa thelista deathde listmortos.
==GameplayMecânica mechanicsde jogo==
===The Sims: Livin' 'Large===
[[File:Plea Sims 1.jpg|thumb|The Plea in ''[[The Sims]]''.]]
O Ceifador aparecerá em uma nuvem de caveiras ao lado da caixa de correio, depois andará até o Sim moribundo e passará um curto período de tempo acenando com sua foice. Se o caminho para o Sim moribundo estiver bloqueado, ele se teletransportará para lá.
The Grim Reaper will appear in a cloud of skulls next to the mailbox, then walk over to the dying Sim and spend a short amount of time waving his scythe. If the path to the dying Sim is blocked, he will teleport there instead.
During this time another Sim may be directed to approach and plead with him. This option is not available for children. There is around a 50% chance of him accepting the plea, at which point he will play a game of rock-paper-scissors with the pleader. If the Sim loses there is still a 50% chance of him bringing the deceased back to life as a zombie, with their skin-colored green and their personality wiped. Usually, the Grim Reaper will be in a bad mood and turn down the plea, and the Sim will die but they will come back as a ghost, being see-through and greenish-blue and walk around "spooking" Sims and making windy ghost noises.
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[[File:poor grimmy.png|thumb|A cat harassing the Grim Reaper.]][[File:Ressurect 2.png|thumb|The Grim Reaper forced to resurrect a Sim by a cat.]]
WithCom ''[[The Sims 3: Pets]]'', [[pet]]s can harass the Grim Reaper and save their master. The pet has to be at least best friends with the Sim to do this. There is a 35% chance pets will harass the Grim Reaper, and an additional +10% chance if they have [[aggressive]], [[loyal]], or [[Brave (pet)|brave]] traits; or -10% if they have [[clueless]], [[lazy]], [[nervous]], or [[skittish]] traits. A pet cannot save the same Sim from death more than once.
[[File:Grim reaper watching TV.png|thumb|right|The Grim Reaper watching TV.]]
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*Sims who are [[Flirty (emotion)|flirty]] can seduce the Grim Reaper to spare the Sim's life, with a 10% success chance (Increases to 20% success chance if the pleading Sim is very flirty). If successful, the pleading Sim will gain the "Seduced Death" confident moodlet, which lasts for 6 hours.
*Sims who are [[angry]] can yell at death, which will always be rejected.
*Os Sims who are [[sad|tristes]] canpodem waillamentar abouta themorte dyingdo Sim's demise. There is a 30% de chance thisde que pleaesse willapelo workfuncione, whichque increasesaumenta topara 33% ifse theo Sim hastiver thea característica [[gloomy|sombria]] trait, ande 36% ifse theo Sim hastiver thea gloomycaracterística traitsombria ande isficar verymuito sadtriste. The successA chance forde sucesso thisdesse pleapedido increasesaumenta topara 40% ifse theo Sim isestiver verymuito sadtriste withoutsem thea gloomycaracterística traitsombria. IfSe for successfulbem-sucedido, the pleadingo Sim willsuplicante gainganhará theo samemesmo moodlethumor he/sheque wouldusaria usingno thepedido normal. plea.<ref>Pleading success chances and moodlets are taken from ''The Sims 4'' source files.</ref>
*Sims withcom levelnível 5 orou moremais inde habilidade [[mischief|travessa]] skill canpodem "ToyBrincar withcom Deatha Morte" usingusando auma [[voodoo doll|boneca de vodu]] . TheO GrimCeifador Reaperperderá willa losecapacidade thede abilitycolher toa reapvida Sim'sde lifeSim. SuccessA chance willde dependsucesso ondependerá howde manyquantas timesvezes theo Sim toysbrinca withcom Deatha beforeMorte Grimantes decidesque toGrim reapdecida thecolher dyingo Sim que está morrendo. <ref>Details: In ''The Sims 4'', each time the Sim toys with Death, the Grim Reaper gains a little bit of "clemency" (This is tracked internally by the game). Once the Grim Reaper gains enough clemency, there will be a chance that the Reaper will spare the Sim. The more clemency the Reaper has, the greater the chance he will revive the dying Sim. Source: Taken from game data files.</ref>
*SimsOs canSims givepodem thedar Grimao ReaperCeifador auma [[death flower]]. This is the only way to guarantee saving a dying Sim's life, and the only method, other than the voodoo doll, that does not grant Sims a moodlet if successful.
After the Grim Reaper is finished, there is a chance he may stick around on the lot, in which other Sims can perform social interactions on him. However, romantic interactions generally will not go very far.
TheO Grim Reaper gives uniquerespostas answersúnicas whenquando askedperguntado aboutsobre careercarreira orou if singlesolteiro.
==HintsDicas ande tipssugestões==
===The Sims 2===
PlayersOs canjogadores dresspodem avestir um Sim ascomo theo Grim Reaper by usingusando cheatstruques. WhileEnquanto inestiver thena neighborhoodvizinhança, bringabra upa thecaixa cheatde boxdicas (presspressione Ctrl + Shift + C) ande typedigite "boolProp testingcheatsenabled true" ''withoutsem'' quotesaspas. ThenEm goseguida, vá para o tomodo Create-A-Sim modee andpressione pressShift Shift+ N. ThisIsso willativará activateo CASmodo Debuggingde Modedepuração (ado messageCAS says(uma somensagem indiz theisso topno rightcanto cornersuperior ofdireito theda screentela). PressPressione Shift + M topara removeremover CASo Debugmodo Modede depuração do CAS. TheO traje Grim Reaper suitdeve shouldestar beno atfinal theda end"roupa ofdo dia-a-dia"everyday clothing"em in outfitstrajes. TheO playerjogador canpode evenaté make themcolocá-los inna theroupa "Hula Zombie" outfitque thataparece appearsquando when aum Sim diesmorre ofde oldvelhice agecom withuma abarra highde aspirationaspiração baralta.
====StrangeGenética geneticsestranha====
UsingUsando thea [[Tombstone of Life and Death|Lápide da Vida e da Morte]] , os Sims canpodem becomeengravidar pregnant bypor Grim Reaper. TheO strangeestranho thingé isque thata thecriança childcostuma willter oftenpele have light skinclara, lightolhos blueazuis eyesclaros, blackcabelos hairpretos ande thea 2ndsegunda face inno CAS. ItÉ isainda evenmais strangerestranho inno thecaso case ofdo [[Nervous Subject|Sujeito Nervoso]] , whoque hastem strangegenética geneticsestranha. SomeAlguns playersjogadores believeacreditam thatque Nervous isnem noté evenfilho thedo Grim Reaper's sonporque becausesua hisgenética geneticsé aremuito muchdiferente differentda thande Grim's.
{{Warning-header|Do not attempt to add the Grim Reaper to a household, or try to turn him into a supernatural creature, such as a vampire or a werewolf. Doing so can cause game corruption, fixed only by uninstalling and re-installing the game.}}
===TheOs Simssims 3===
====Move inMover-se====
It is possible to "Move In" the Grim Reaper into the active household without the use of any cheats or tools. What one needs is to build a relationship high enough with Grim Reaper when he lingers on the lot (this does not happen often) and ask him to move in. It's good to have the Legendary Host lifetime reward. He cannot be married and must be moved in. Having the [[charismatic]] [[Trait (The Sims 3)|trait]], maxed [[charisma]], charisma challenges completed or the Never Dull [[lifetime reward]] can be very helpful here, as he disappears from the relationship panel when he leaves. Having the [[unlucky]] or [[loser]] traits makes summoning him repeatedly much easier, otherwise, the player will only have one chance.
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*The Grim Reaper is not initially built-into a world, but is created by the game just after the player starts a new save.
*The Grim Reaper may have either peanut butter and jelly, tri-tip steak, or hot dogs as his favorite food, even though it's not normally possible to view this in-game.
*Às vezes, Sims withcom the '''Observant'''a [[lifetime reward|recompensa vitalícia]] cando '''Observador''' sometimes findpodem outdescobrir hissuas traitscaracterísticas. HoweverNo entanto, there are multipleexistem versionsvárias ofversões thedo Grim Reaper thatque canpodem visitvisitar a lotbastante, alltodas withcom differentpersonalidades personalitiesdiferentes. HeEle willgeralmente oftenpossui possesstraços traitsque thatincentivam encourageinterações mean ormesquinhas peculiarou interactionspeculiares, suchcomo aso [[Evil (The Sims 3)|evilmal]] , o [[mean spirited|espírito mesquinho]] , [[inappropriate|inadequado]] orou [[insane|insano]] .
*WhenAo usingusar thea Door of Life And Death, challengingdesafiar theo Grim Reaper topara aum guitarduelo duelde mayguitarra bepode aser referenceuma toreferência theà guitarcena dueldo sceneduelo inde Tenaciousguitarra D'sem PickPickacious of DestinyTenacious D's.
*O Ceifador só parece ter uma roupa, porque se ele nadar ou esfriar, ele não muda de roupa. Isso só pode ser testemunhado se ele parar de flutuar, embora o jogador possa trocar de roupa em uma cômoda e trocar de cabelo em um espelho, sua pele é completamente preta.
*The Grim Reaper only appears to have one outfit, because if he goes swimming or it gets cold out, he doesn't change his outfit. This can only be witnessed if he stops floating, although the player can change his clothes at a dresser and change his hair at a mirror, his skin is completely black.
*InNo trailer de ''The Sims 3: Pets'' trailer, theo GrimCeifador Reaperé isvisto seen ridingandando a horsecavalo ande leavingsaindo throughpor aum portal. ThisIsso happensacontece whenquando aum horsecavalo diesmorre. TheO GrimCeifador Reaperbasicamente basicallybalança swishessua hisfoice scythee andpula jumpsno ontocavalo thefantasma ghoste horse and vanishesdesaparece, muchassim likecomo howele hedesaparece vanishesdos theoutros other ghostsfantasmas. ThisIsso istambém alsoé shownmostrado inna capa ''PetsAnimais de estimação'' cover.
*InEm ''[[The Sims 3: Seasons]]'' , os Sims canpodem fazer um makeboneco ade Grimneve Reaperdo snowmanCeifador.
*InEm ''[[The Sims 3]]'' , thea musicmúsica thatque playstoca whenquando theo Grim Reaper comeschega isé similarsemelhante to theà [[wikipedia:Imperial March|Marcha Imperial March]] fromde [[wikipedia:Star Wars|StarGuerra Warsnas Estrelas]] .
===The Sims 4===
*TheO GrimCeifador Reapertem hasuma anota noteacorrentada chainedna ontocintura. hisEsta waist.pode Thisser mayuma bereferência a reference to [[wikipedia:Ryuk (Death Note)|Ryuk]] inna thesérie de mangás japonesa [[wikipedia:Death Note|Death Note]] Japanese manga series.
*O Ceifador tem um coelho esqueleto congelador amarrado à cintura.
*The Grim Reaper has a skeleton freezer bunny tied to his waist.
*TheO GrimCeifador Reaperpode mayacariciar petou orbrincar playcom with auma [[cowplant|planta]] onde the[[cowplant|vaca]] lotno afterlote após a Simmorte hasde diedum Sim.
*IfSe theo playerjogador pausespausar theo gamejogo whileenquanto thea cameracâmera isestiver lockedtravada on theno Grim Reaper, thereé ispossível aque chanceuma eeriemúsica musicestranha willseja reproduzida, playmesmo evenque thougho thejogo gameesteja isem pausedpausa.
*IfSe theo Grim Reaper isestiver starvedfaminto forpor severalvários daysdias, oncequando hissua hungerbarra barde reachesfome theatingir lowesto limit,limite hemais willbaixo, fetchele apegará biscuitum frombiscoito hisde bagsua andbolsa eate ito comerá, restoringrestaurando hissua hungerbarra barde fome. ThisDessa wayforma, ité isimpossível impossiblemorrer tode starvefome theo GrimCeifador Reaperaté toa deathmorte. ThisIsso alsotambém happensacontece tocom pregnantos Sims grávidos.
*WhenQuando comingvem to reapcolher a Sim'salma soulde um Sim, theo GrimCeifador Reapertem has aum tablet. ThisIsso couldpoderia beser auma referencereferência toà therepresentação depictiondo ofdeus the god ofda deathmorte Thanatos inem ''TheO SonFilho ofde NeptuneNetuno'' , theo secondsegundo novelromance in''da'' thesérie ''Heroes of Olympus'' series byde Rick Riordan.
*TheO GrimCeifador Reaperpossui possessesa thecaracterística hidden traitoculta trait_isGrimReaper, rendering himtornando-o immuneimune toà deathmorte inde anyqualquer formforma.
|-|The Sims=
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{{Feat art|May 2009}}
[[fr:Grande Faucheuse|de: Grande Faucheuse ]]
[[es:La Parca|es: La Parca ]]
[[no:Mannen med ljåen|no: Mannen ljåen ]][[pl:Mroczny Kosiarz|pl: Mroczny Kosiarz ]]
[[pt-br:Dona Morte|pt-br: Dona Morte ]]
[[ru:Костлявая Смерть|ru: Костлявая Смерть ]]
[[nl:Magere Hein|nl: Magere Hein]] issojjj
[[Category:Glitchy Sims]]
[[Category:Sims who appear in all of The Sims games]]
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