The Sims Wiki/Sidebar: Difference between revisions

1 revision imported
(Updated poll.)
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(10 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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{{Releases and updates}}</div>
<div style="background: #DCF2DA; border: solid#E0E0E0 2px; margin: 5px 2px 5px 2px; padding: 3px;">
<!-------------------FeaturedMonthly MediaQuestion----------------->
{{Headergreen|text=Reader Poll|icon=Trait_TS4_Toddler_Inquisitive.png|iconpos=right}}
{{MP question}}
<!-------------------Poll,Featured because why not?Media----------------->
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<noinclude>{{Edit|Template:Featured Media|Edit Featured Media template}}</noinclude>
{{Featured Media}}
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<!-------------------Poll, because why not?---------------->
{{Headergreen|text=Reader Poll|icon=Trait_TS4_Toddler_Inquisitive.png|iconpos=right}}
''The Sims 4: Realm of Magic'' is coming soon...
Yes! I can't wait to see what it's going to be like! Will buy it immediately.
I'll certainly get it, but only when it will be on sale.
I would like to have witches, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Nope.
Blegh. I dislike supernaturals and magic. I don't care of it.
Ugh. Can't this game just end already?
<!-------------------Featured Media----------------->
{{Headergreen|text=Featured Media|icon=TS4_easel_icon.png|iconpos=right}}
<noinclude>{{Edit|Template:Featured Media|Edit Featured Media template}}</noinclude>
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