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Mrs. Crumplebotttom was chosen as the season's host. Her redeeming quality is the mean way she treats her contestants in order to make things look more interesting. She loves intrigue and hates romance; and as a such, likes to cause discord between contestants upon bringing their relationship patterns onto the show.
Mrs. Crumplebotttom was chosen as the season's host. Her redeeming quality is the mean way she treats her contestants in order to make things look more interesting. She loves intrigue and hates romance; and as a such, likes to cause discord between contestants upon bringing their relationship patterns onto the show.

==Week 1==
==Episode 1==

Revision as of 09:41, 1 August 2013

Hello, Welcome to Big Sim Brother (Created By RoseGui and Jones143) A Game where 14 housemates try to win a half Million cash prize by avoiding periodic evictions..

HoH: The Head of Household (abbreviated HoH) is the position of supreme power and control in the Big Sim Brother house. The Head of Household is selected each week, the winner of Head of Household is free from the threat of eviction. But are also faced with the decision of nominating two houseguests for eviction.

Veto:The Power of Veto is a power in Big Sim Brother. The Power of Veto allows the owner to veto one of the Nominations off the Block. The Head of Household chooses a new nomination.

Twist: A twist may change all the gameplay in the house. The twist has not yet been revealed.

Welcome to Big Sim Brother...


  • Red- Contestant is Evicted from the house.
  • Blue - Head of Household
  • Yellow - Contestant has the Power of Veto
  • Grey - Contestant is a nominee



Mrs. Crumplebotttom was chosen as the season's host. Her redeeming quality is the mean way she treats her contestants in order to make things look more interesting. She loves intrigue and hates romance; and as a such, likes to cause discord between contestants upon bringing their relationship patterns onto the show.

Episode 1


Host: Hello, and welcome to the Big Sim Brother! In this show, fourteen houseguests will meet and complete in many challenges to win the Half Million dollar cash prize. Every single move they make will be captured by the cameras. There will be fights, there will be tears, and there will be broken hearts in it! And a twist may change the house's every single dynamic. This is The Big Sim Brother!


The Contestants are now awaiting to join in the SimNation's most watched house, let's let them in.

"Hi!! Oh my God," Florita shouted walking clumsily on her giant high-heels.

"Wow, this is place is bigger than my entire house" mumbled Liam, reaching out to greet the men.

Host: "So, houseguests, you are now in the Big Sim Brother! I will leave you alone to introduce yourselves before announcing... the first challenge, mwahaha."

"Uh, what was that? Creepy laughter, haha." The contestants laughed at her. "You may as well start," interceded Daniel jokingly. "Oh... Me? Sure! Okay so,"

"My name is Jessica, I'm from Belladonna Cove and I'm unemployed at the moment... but I used to work in a toothbrush factory which went bankrupt and had to fire all the employees," "Awww" replied Samantha, "So yeah, here I am, hoping to get some extra money to help pay my expenses. Pretty sad, if you ask me."

Confessional: Ehehe, I lied about being unemployed. I want the others to feel sorry for me because of the situation I made up, it's totally part of my strategy. (Jessica)

"I'm Darren, I come from Pleasantview and um, I paint for a living and also sculpt a little" - "That's SO sweet, I love artists! My father was one" Florita said. "I'm Elvira, but prefer being called just El, and I work at the hospital as a nurse in Bridgeport. I was born in Moonlight Falls, though..."

One by one, contestants introduced themselves - some told the truth, others told some lies, and some others utterly lied about themselves but THIS is part of the game. Let it begin!

Confessional: Gah, how can I control myself when I'm being closed in a house full of humans???!! I can smell it, it's so sweet and lovely and, oh, my... Stop! I need to concentrate on the game, dinner can wait... (Elvira)
Confessional: Um, there was this lady, called Agnes, who pratically didn't say anything, just told her name. Very quiet really. I wonder what she's got in mind, just hope she isn't some sort of genius or something. (Chloe)
Confessional: Feels so good when everybody knows your face from somewhere, man. Wasn't that much of a big surprise, anyways, I am just too fabulous! (Matthew)

Host: It's now time to announce the challenge. Houseguests, be prepared, the upcoming challenge will not be easy piece for you. Each one of you will exposed to the "Truth Machine" and be submitted to a questionnaire, composed of five questions. The questions asked will get more embarassing over time, but you must always answer truthfully to each one of them to win Head of Household and be able to nominate the people you'll want to see evicted. With the special presence of the technician PT9 who will analyze your speech patterns and heartbeat, we will be able to tell whether you are lying or saying the truth. Ready?

Guests: Yeah!!

Confessional: Oh, SH-- NO, NO, NO, WHAT THE HELL? (Richard)

Ricahrd is the first to be submitted to the questionnaire:

"Richard, is it true that you hate puppies?"
"Richard, are you married?"
"Is it true that you are having an affair?"
"Is the woman you are having an affair with pregnant with your child?"

Host: Sorry, Richard. You lied to your last question, that means you're out. Next is Chloe.

Chloe, you have responded truthfully to every question and are automatically in the finale. Next is Jessica.

"Jessica, are you a natural blonde?"
"Jessica, have you ever been married?"
"Is it true that you are now divorced?"
"Is it true that you cheated on your husband with a repairman?"
"Do you in fact aspire to become a great criminal?"

Host: Jessica has answered every question truthfully and is therefore qualified for the finale.

"Florita, are you divorced at the moment?"
"Is it true that, while married, you had an affair with Nick's cousin, married man and father?"
"Is it true that you have aborted a child from an extra-marital relationship?"

Host: Out!

"Daniel, is it true that you are cheating on your wife with a maid?"
"Of course not!"
"Is it true that you and your wife favor one of your daughters over another?"

Host: Out!

One by one, Florita and Daniel, Agnes, Jared, Samantha, Eunice and Nick are eliminated. It comes to down to Liam, Chloe and Jessica.

Host: So it seems we have a tie here! Chloe, Liam, Jessica, I have a number on my mind. You must pick from the set of 1 to 3. Whoever guesses the number on my mind wins this competition.

Jessica: Three!
Liam: Two!
Chloe: One?

Congratulations, Chloe! You have won first HoH in Big Sim Brother! You have now the power to nominate two people to be evicted from the house! Choose wisely, and we'll see each other next day at nominations.


Chloe was in her HoH room when some knocked the door. "Come in," she said. "Hey," it was Liam. "So, who are you nominating tomorrow?" "Haven't really thought about it, but Jessica looks like a threat to me and so do you, to be honest" she said, rubbing her face.

"Oh"-- "I am not a threat, I assure you, I'm the real clumsy type. But Jessica, oh, yeah, she might be sort of a threat, don't you think?". They continued talking beside the bed and reached a final agreement to put Jessica on the chopping block. Jessica joint later in the room trying to persuade Chloe to put Elvira on her place. Liam was about to leave.

"You shouldn't trust him," informed Jessica. Chloe raised her eyebrow, "Why not?" - "It's been always rumored that, behind that clumsy and cute look, there's a real genius. Watch out, that's all." Having said this, she leaves.

Confessional: Yay, I'm confused! Follow in with what Liam says or Jessica's advice? (Chloe)

Host: It's nominations day! And Chloe is about to leave her room. She is now going to hand the keys to contestants who are safe and lock the nominees' in the PlumbBox.

Action: Chloe gets the keys and goes to living room where she hands the keys. In the end, it's Jessica, Liam, and Elvira. Two of them will be on the chopping block. The last key went to Liam.

POV and eviction

Host: Yesterday, you've learnt some of the "dirty laundry" each character has been keeping to themselves and conflict has been triggered. Some contestants have nastier stories than others and that certainly will not help them! Today, houseguests will play Power of Veto competition. The person who wins, will have the power to choose whether to take someone off the block or keep it the way it is. Let's get inside the house now!

Houseguests go outside to the POV competition. Upon some choice and team-making, it's determinated that all houseguests will be playing, with the excpetion of Samantha, Darren and Nick. The host explains the competition: contestants will have to paint an animal on an easel with one single color they must choose. Then, each contestant will try to guess what animal it is. The contestants must write the name of the animal they are painting on the backyards of the paper to prevent any cheating.

Host: ... Whoever guesses the most paintings will gain the Power of Veto!

  • Elvira guesses cat, snake, elephant and tiger.
  • Jessica guesses rhino and dog.
  • Florita guesses devilfish.

Host: Elvira, you've gained the power of veto! Congratulations! The veto power serves to... <veto utility>

Chloe and Liam team up and go talk with Elvira, trying to persuade her not to use the veto since she's only a pawn, to which Elvira promptly objects saying it's way risky for her. Upon Elvira using her veto, Chloe nominates Jared Frio arguing that he hasn't done very much yet. He gets really furious and calls Chloe things. "You're such a Llama!" he shouted.

Confessional: Mwahaha, this is looking far better now. As long as attentions are given to Jared, I will be safe. Maybe they will think he's the true threat. Besides, he's very mean, so... (Jessica)


By a voting of 8:1, users have chosen Jared, in favor of Jessica, to be evicted.

To see how houseguests voted, go here!

Episode 2