User:Street shizzarks

Lucy hates hipsters.

About me Edit

This is your user page. Please edit this page to tell the community way too much about yourself!

Hello there! I'm a college student living in Europe. My favorite Sim is Torgo Pendragon, because his only traits are neurotic and pizza appreciator. My favorite EP is Ambitions, because it has the ugliest townies. I think EA should make an ultimate Sim game that combines all of Maxis's previous games, so we can play a game that involves developing a race of sentient ants from their origins of life to civilization, who evolve from small farming communities, to towns, and finally to an advanced metropolis with bustling towers, in which your intelligent ants can have complex relationships, work as bartenders, and have a large selection of emo hairstyles.

I also have a SimLife tee shirt from MacWorld Expo. =)

  This user is female.
This user is a young adult.
This user loves to party!
  The user's favorite food is scrap metal.
  The user has the Grow Up aspiration.
This user has the Immune to Fire trait.
This user has the Pizza Appreciator trait.
This user has the Schmoozer trait.
This user has the Party Animal trait.
This user has the Athletic trait.
This user has the Never Nude trait.

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