Whitfield family
The Whitfields are the quintessential showbiz family. On the surface they may seem to have fame, fortune and talent, but a life in the entertainment world isn't always glamorous. Will this family's need to be in the spotlight put a strain on their relationships?
Name Whitfield family
Members Jamar Whitfield, Diane Whitfield, Barry Whitfield, Lela Whitfield
Lot 447 Shoreline Point
Funds §25,000
Difficulty level 3 of 6
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Showtime
Playability Playable
World Starlight Shores

The Whitfield family is a family that comes with the neighborhood Starlight Shores. The family consists of Jamar Whitfield, his wife Diane Whitfield and their children Barry Whitfield and Lela Whitfield.

Photo Album Edit

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nl:Whitfield familie