101 Road to Nowhere

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The Sims 2

101 Road to Nowhere
Lot type Residential
Value §30,000
Lot size Large
Number of floors 2
Occupants Smith family
Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 2
Neighborhood Strangetown
Game The Sims 2

101 Road to Nowhere is a residential lot located in the The Sims 2 neighborhood of Strangetown, where the Smith family resides.

Overview[edit | edit source]

It has 4 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms, along with a study, two fireplaces, and a lush backyard with a swimming pool. The master bedroom is on the first floor, while Johnny and Jill's rooms are on the second floor. There are also two empty rooms on that floor. One is unfinished, with rough wood flooring. The other is finished, but is empty except for a large dresser.

There is an Execuputter in the back yard, as well as a swing, but most of the back yard is taken up by a large swimming pool.

Quirks[edit | edit source]

Players should note that the ladder for the pool is placed so that the reserved square which allows Sims to get onto and off of the ladder extends over sloping terrain. This will keep Sims from being able to use the ladder unless it is moved. Also, many of the bushes in the back yard and along the sides of the house are placed so that a Sim trying to trim them cannot reach them, and Sims may have trouble tending the flowers near the front gate in the fence unless that part of the fence is redone so that it is parallel to the sidewalk.

When the lot is first played, it is Johnny Smith's birthday, and there is a birthday cake on an end table and a buffet table on the rear deck, clearly intended for a birthday party. There is also an expensive stereo on the deck, and a nice bar in the kitchen. While it is not clear that they are there for the party, they are inconsistent with the inexpensive nature of the rest of the house's furnishings and electronics. The house has an initial value of about 30,000 simoleons, but §3850 of that is the stereo, bar, and buffet table.

Residents[edit | edit source]

Galery[edit | edit source]

pl:Droga Donikąd 101