Bartholomew A. Bittlebun, Jr.

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The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs

Bartholomew A. Bittlebun, Jr.
Gender Male Male
Age Kitten Kitten
Species Cat
Breed Mixed breed
Family/Families Lynx family
Owners Catarina Lynx
Progenitors Josie
Traits Fluffy
Other information
Game The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs
Playability Playable
World Brindleton Bay

Bartholomew A. Bittlebun, Jr. is a kitten that resides in Brindleton Bay, the world introduced in The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs. He lives with his owner, Catarina Lynx; his mother, Josie; and Catarina's two other cats, Doc and Cleo. Despite being implied to be the kitten of Bartholomew A. Bittlebun, Sr., they are not actually related.

Petology[edit | edit source]

nl:Bartholomew A. Bittlebun, Jr. pt-br:Bartolomeu A. Barbosa Júnior ru:Бартоломью Б. Биттлбан-младший pl:Bartholomew A. Bittlebun, Jr.