Cornelius Nelson

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The Sims 3

Cornelius Nelson
Gender Male Male
Age Elder
Life state Ghost
Family/Families Nelson family
Marital status Single
Traits Bookworm
Light Sleeper
Commitment Issues
Natural Cook
Hair color Grey
Eye color Grey
Skin color Light
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game The Sims 3
Playability Deceased
Cause of death Old Age
World Sunset Valley

Cornelius Nelson was a Sim who lived in Sunset Valley. He died of old age before the start of The Sims 3, and is now buried in the Pleasant Rest Graveyard. He completed his lifetime wish before dying. Strangely, unlike many other ghosts, he doesn't have any favorites.

Resurrection tip
This Sim can be brought back to life with ambrosia or with the Oh My Ghost! opportunity. For more information, read Game guide:Bringing Sims back to life.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

nl:Cornelius Nelson fr:Cornélius Nelson ru:Корнелий Нельсон