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Meanwhile in the master bedroom. "Do you think they suspect anything" Alice asked her husband. "Of course not. We raised our children well, but we do still have some years of experience over them". "Do you think we're doing the right thing?" she asked again. Dharden took her hand and said: "Yes. In due time they will see it was all for the best, but truth be told, I hadn't expected Duskey to show up so soon. He must be broke again" "Mmmm, perhaps. Now let us sleep. You have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow". '''--[[User:Duskey|<span style="color:#344790;">Duskey</span>]]<sup>[[User_talk:Duskey|<span style="color:green;">talk</span>]]</sup>''' 02:02, September 21, 2010 (UTC)
Meanwhile in the master bedroom. "Do you think they suspect anything" Alice asked her husband. "Of course not. We raised our children well, but we do still have some years of experience over them". "Do you think we're doing the right thing?" she asked again. Dharden took her hand and said: "Yes. In due time they will see it was all for the best, but truth be told, I hadn't expected Duskey to show up so soon. He must be broke again" "Mmmm, perhaps. Now let us sleep. You have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow". '''--[[User:Duskey|<span style="color:#344790;">Duskey</span>]]<sup>[[User_talk:Duskey|<span style="color:green;">talk</span>]]</sup>''' 02:02, September 21, 2010 (UTC)

==Chapter IV - Secrets ==
True to Steve's prediction, the storm that had raged in the evening had subsided by sunrise the next morning, and warm rays of sunshine peeked through the heavy curtains of Bleeh's chamber. Bleeh awoke to the beautiful morning sun sitting low in the blue sky, and the sound of birds singing on the grounds below. Bleeh, anxious to be out with nature, dressed quickly, then quietly slipped out of the manor, so as to not alert the sleeping people within of her actions. It was during these private moments that Bleeh was able to fully appreciate the gravity of her situation - she was a pawn in a game; a game of wealth, control and domination.

The air outside was cool and humid, and the grass below Bleeh's feet was damp with the evening's rain. Despite the violence of the winds the evening before, the beautiful gardens below Wiki manor appeared as healthy and peaceful as ever. Bleeh smiled as she watched a bumblebee hovering over a flowering bush, while hearing the sounds of a babbling stream nearby. Bleeh walked towards the small brook, watching the glistening clean water pour over rocks and stones as it fell down the hill. Bleeh looked outwards towards the sparkling lake below, enjoying the serene beauty of the morning.

The rest of Wiki Manor would be awake shortly, so Bleeh left the beautiful lakeshore and walked back towards the manor, while thinking up any number of things she could do to Archibald, if only given the opportunity. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, by the sound of conversation coming from a dense strand of trees nearby. Bleeh, careful not to reveal herself to those secretly conversing, moved ever so slowly towards the edge of the woods, listening as closely as possible to what was said.

Brother Liron spoke first, in a cool tone. "She must not find out. If she does, all we have worked for will be ruined."
"What do we do about... him?" asked another voice, that belonging to cruel Archibald.
"He will not cause any more problems... after tonight," Liron spoke.
"How did you find out about all this?" Archibald asked.
"A reliable source, trust me. I would not lie to you, Archie. Just do as we've planned and all will go well. We'll have the money, and we will no longer have to tolerate that horrible woman. Now let's go, it's nearly breakfast, they'll notice that we've gone." With that, Liron and Archie moved from the trees and made their way up towards the Manor. Bleeh waited until she saw them move out of sight, then she quickly ran towards the manor as well, to avoid being spotted by the people inside. She quietly and quickly navigated the manor towards her chamber, and slipped in without incident. A few moments later, she heard a knock on her door, and the voice of Steve said, "Madame Bleeh, Breakfast will be served momentarily. Are you awake?"
"Yes, I am. Tell them I shall be there shortly." Bleeh opened up her wardrobe to begin dressing, when a folded note fell out from inside. Bleeh read it quickly, then read it again. It said:

I will help you out. Please meet me in the Wine cellar at midnight.

Bleeh was sure that this note had not been present when she had changed her clothes just minutes before, meaning that someone must have known that she had left, and had snuck in to drop it off. But who could it be and, more importantly, could she trust them?


The day was uneventful, as Allison and Dharden were in town that day taking care of their business. Over the day, Bleeh silently considered the note. Who left it? Can they be trusted? How can they help her, and why do they want to help? Is this just a trap? And what are Liron and Archibald doing tonight? What are they doing and who are they doing it to? Bleeh considered all this as day turned into evening, then evening turned into night. Alison and Dharden went to bed, followed soon after by awkward Duskey. Archibald, eager to escape Liron's presence, soon retired as well, until Liron too went to bed, leaving Bleeh alone as the minutes slowly ticked towards midnight.

She had made up her mind. Mysterious notes left in dressers are simply too untrustworthy, Bleeh decided, and at ten minutes to midnight, she went to her chamber and soon fell asleep. This sleep was short-lived, as Bleeh was soon awoken by a pair of arms grabbing her, just as a hand covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming.

"Miss Bleeh, we have no time!" The voice of Linkita, sharp yet quiet and speaking perfect English, hissed at Bleeh as she struggled to break free. "Bleeh! It's me. I am not going to harm you, but you need to come with me." It was no use, however, as Bleeh continued to struggle. "Bleeh, I thought for sure that you would have found my note." At the mention of the note, Bleeh stopped fighting and sat still. Linkita lifted her hand from Bleeh's mouth, and whispered, "We have no time. If you want help, we need to go now. You can stay here and let whatever happens happen, or you can quietly get up, and we will get you out of here." Bleeh hardly needed any more persuasion, and soon Bleeh and Linkita were moving quickly towards the cellar.

As they approached the door of the cellar, Linkita stopped Bleeh, and knocked three times on the cellar door. The door slowly opened to reveal a completely dark room. Out of the darkness stepped Duskey, who smiled meekly towards Bleeh as he motioned both of them into the cellar. "How much time have we got, Linkita?" Duskey asked, just as a lone gunshot rang through the manor.

"Go!" Linkita shouted as Duskey pulled Bleeh into the cellar, and Linkita slammed the door.

To be continued... -- '''[[User:LostInRiverview|<font color="green">LostInRiverview</font>]]<sup> [[User_talk:LostInRiverview|<font color="navy">talk</font>]] · [[User_blog:LostInRiverview|<font color="navy">blog</font>]]</sup>''' 21:08, September 25, 2010 (UTC)

Revision as of 21:08, 25 September 2010

PlumbBobs & Prejudice is an on-going Sit-Opera, thought out during many quiet evenings in #the_sims on IRC. It tells the story of... some people and something probably happens, I dunno, let's see:

Chapter I - Introductions & Iguanas

It was a dark and stormy night at Wiki manor. Not even a Sim with the Loves the Outdoors trait would be caught in this weather. (At least in Sims 3 fan fiction there's weather). A red luxury car drove up the curved driveway. It had white wall tires, a chromed front grill and round headlights. A figure only revealing her lower face in the pale moonlight could be seen through the windows. She was admiring the colossal sculpture standing in the middle of the lawn. A chilling and imposing sight for anyone taking the long trek up to the building proper. It had been created by the world reknowned sculptor Barrotok van Helgan an de Leen from Simvaria. Rumors in prolific circles say that over a thousand PlumbBobs died in the making of the statue. It depicted a kneeling Sim, held down by the gigantuan PlumbBob on his back. "So true..." she whispered to herself as the car came to a stop in front of the mansion entrace. Her driver fetched an umbrella and escorted her to the door. The heavy brass lion head knocker was cold to the touch, even through her gloves. Steve came to the door: "Ah, Miss Bleeh come in. What a dreadful weather we're having tonight, almost remids me of home." She smiled and started to remove her coat. "Let me get that miss". Steve took Bleeh's coat and continued: "Of course, this wouldn't really be like back home, since it'll probably clear up in the morning". Good old Steve always knew how to make Bleeh smile, if only for a little while. "I trust my brother hasn't arrived yet?" she asked to keep the smalltalk going. "Quiet the contrary miss, his lordship arrived early yesterday morning. Said he had finished his contracting business early and couldn't wait to be back home". "Oh, I see" Bleeh said with a worried smile. That was odd. Liron usually dreaded family gatherings and only showed up as to now lose his inheritance. To think he was the legal heir of Wiki mansion. With that last thought she acidentally let out a slight scoff, which Steve obviously noticed as left eyebrow was raised an inch. As a gentleman and servant of the house, he did not comment. If there was one thing he had learned in his many years of serving the Duchess of York, it was to keep his mouth shut and ears closed.

The doors at the top of the huge winding staircase of the recieving hall opened and out came mother. "Ah Madam Alice, good evening" Steve bowed. "Mother". Alice hurried down the many steps to greet Bleeh. "Where's Dhad?" she asked her mother as Steve recieved Bleeh many many bags of luggage from her driver and wobbled up the stairs to the guest rooms. "He's in the study with your brother, shall we go meet them?" "Sure". They barely took two steps though, when there was a knock at the door. "Ah, your driver must've forgotten a case" Alice said, I'll just get it, but the man at the door was hardly the fine-mannered and well groomed driver. Bleeh turned around to see and gasped: "Duskey". "Happy to see me, niece? Hah hah hah" he blurted out. "Oh, welcome. We weren't expecting you, please come in" Alice said with a smile as phony as a an anti-wrinkle cream. Duskey was wearing colorful shorts and a shirt which would even have been rejected a hawaiian tiki shop for being too tacky. "Well well well, Wiki manor, it's been awhile" He took a deep breath "Aaah yeah, that stench brings back memories". The women in the room were scowling towards this unwelcome guest, but before any of them could speak up, the doors to the east wing went open where Linkita, the maid, announced that: "Mr. Dharden & Mr. River will see you in the study now".

To be continued... DUN DUN DUNNNNNN... Oh wait, there was an iguana too. Drat, I forgot it :p Duskey(talk) 21:41, August 30, 2010 (UTC)

Chapter II - the East Wing

The large oaken doors creaked open slowly, to reveal the handsomely-furnished east wing great room. The ceiling, vaulted and dark, towered overhead as Miss Bleeh, mother Alice, and the thoroughly unwanted Duskey stepped inside the door. Across the expansive room towered three long, dusty windows. An errant streak of lightning lit up the night sky, filling the dimly-lit space with an eerie white light, though only for a moment. A large fire in an even larger fireplace crackled, as if announcing its presence, and its bright orange glow reached out into the room, though it was barely able to penetrate the darkness of the massive chamber.

Illuminated before the flames were three men, apparently absorbed in conversation of a mysterious nature. The first, a grizzled older gentleman wearing golden-rimmed glasses, sipped some dark beverage as he spoke in low tones towards the man on his left. This man, with his noticeably younger face, looked up as the oak doors were closed, and he saw the dark young woman who was his sister. Expecting some sort of greeting, Lord Liron of River placed the rifle he had been holding beside his chair, and prepared to address his sister. However, Miss Bleeh paid no notice to her sibling, instead directing her attention towards the third person sitting beside the fire. The third man looked up from the conversation and noticed the woman, and his face fell.

“Miss Bleeh,” the stranger timidly spoke, “it’s… good to see you.” “Mother?” Bleeh asked, attempting to hide her emotion, “what is he doing here?” “Don’t you remember? Young Archibald Andrews is staying here this week,” mother Alice responded. At that point, Archie rose from his chair and moved towards Bleeh. A look of disgust breifly passed over Bleeh's face, but she knew that she was forced to keep her true feelings hidden from the guise of her mother. Alice continued, "Yes, mister Andrews is here to assist us in preparations for the wedding, remember? Bleeh, your dress arrived today."

The bethroathal of Miss Bleeh to nefarious Mister Andrews was a well-known fact in the nearby town of Simswiki, whose gossiping residents gleefully spread increasingly far-fetched tales regarding the unhappy couple to any person who would listen. The sordid affair captured the imagination of even the youngest residents, with most people feeling quite apologetic towards the young woman, though none dared to question the actions of Miss A. Morris; it was widely believed by most individuals that Madame Morris ruled Wiki Manor, and the entire town of Simswiki, under an iron fist. Even in an era when bethrothal is rare and generally unaccepted, the actions of Madame Morris were not questioned openly by anyone. Why is this? Let's just say that those who have ever questioned A morris have ended up disappearing from Simswiki forever.

At Alice's mentioning of the dress, Lord Liron and Duke Duskey return to their conversation, making sure to speak quickly and in whispered tones to avoid eavesdroppers. Each glance, at intervals, at the young Mister Andrews, or at Miss Bleeh, but both continue to whisper.

What are father Dharden and brother Liron planning? Does it have anything to do with Bleeh's upcoming wedding? Is it a plan to save her, or to cause further distress? And why did Alice do what she did? Is she really as bad as the townspeople think? And what will Bleeh do, with her wedding day quickly approaching, to get away from the awful Archibald? —Preceding unsigned comment added by LostInRiverview (talkcontribs) 23:57, September 1, 2010 (UTC)

Chapter III - Sinister Siblings

Archibald Andrews the 3rd of Fanville rose from the comfy leather chair, grabbed his cane and humped towards Lady Bleeh, facing herself trapped with her back against the door. Alice exclamied: "Why Mr. Andrews, your leg?". "Worry not my dear, a hunting accident, quite unavoidable". As Steven passed through the room brandishing a silver tray filled to the brim with exotic fruits, Archibald grabbed a half-cut peach and feasted on it on his way to the new terrified Lady Bleeh. The juices from the fruit ran down his heavily bearded chin and he extruded grim sounds as he muffled the words: "But fear not, me Lady, I am fully capable of performing all marital duties". Just as he was about to reach for Bleeh's hand to kiss it, someone opened the door behind her and she fell backwards. It was Linkita, but she quickly caught Bleeh. "Hola Senõrita, los que se apoye en las puertas de apoyarse en el aire" she said as she chuckled and put Bleeh back on her feet.

Dharden rose from his seat: "I believe that covers our introductions, don't you think? Now come, we all have much to discuss" everyone gathered around a high table in the library, which was unusual since normally only lower coffee tables were present here. Father Dharden went on to explain: "Now as you all know, the Wiki Fortune is dwindling. The world is changing in ways our dear founder could never have dreamed of, we need to take action, which is why I've called you all here." Archibald winked at Bleeh as Steven was gathering empty wine glasses from the table. He clumsily knocked over one of the glasses and the remaining wine spilled all over Archibald's tie. "By the gods" Archie yelled. Dharden looked up from his speech clearly quite annoyed. Duskey bellowed out a thunderous laugh and Lord Liron comforted the Lord in his own snide way: "Fear not Archie, I'm sure we have some old carpet clippings lying around you can have in exchange". Dharden then suggested that they continued in the morning since it was getting late.

Most of the people retreated to their rooms, but Archie and Lord Liron of River stayed by the fireplace. "Don't you think you're laying it on a little thick?" Liron asked the grimacing heir to the Fandom fortune. "What would you have me do? The taste of that fruit and purposedly putting my weight on my bad leg was all I could do from whincing from that shrill harpy. Explain to me WHY this is neccesary." Calmly Liron suggested that Andrews tie would dry faster if he stood closer to the fireplace. As he moved in, Liron grabbed Andrews' neck and pulled him very close to the fire, seething with rage: "I've explained it to you a million times. It is Alice's wish that our two families unite, we need each other. We need the Fanville Fortune and you need a wife with a title" Archibald retorted: "What's in it for you? Do you not see through Duskey's cherade? As soon as your parents are out of the picture, what keeps him from sending you with them? Who's the heir then?" Liron loosened his grib and stared into the fire.

Meanwhile in the master bedroom. "Do you think they suspect anything" Alice asked her husband. "Of course not. We raised our children well, but we do still have some years of experience over them". "Do you think we're doing the right thing?" she asked again. Dharden took her hand and said: "Yes. In due time they will see it was all for the best, but truth be told, I hadn't expected Duskey to show up so soon. He must be broke again" "Mmmm, perhaps. Now let us sleep. You have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow". --Duskeytalk 02:02, September 21, 2010 (UTC)

Chapter IV - Secrets

True to Steve's prediction, the storm that had raged in the evening had subsided by sunrise the next morning, and warm rays of sunshine peeked through the heavy curtains of Bleeh's chamber. Bleeh awoke to the beautiful morning sun sitting low in the blue sky, and the sound of birds singing on the grounds below. Bleeh, anxious to be out with nature, dressed quickly, then quietly slipped out of the manor, so as to not alert the sleeping people within of her actions. It was during these private moments that Bleeh was able to fully appreciate the gravity of her situation - she was a pawn in a game; a game of wealth, control and domination.

The air outside was cool and humid, and the grass below Bleeh's feet was damp with the evening's rain. Despite the violence of the winds the evening before, the beautiful gardens below Wiki manor appeared as healthy and peaceful as ever. Bleeh smiled as she watched a bumblebee hovering over a flowering bush, while hearing the sounds of a babbling stream nearby. Bleeh walked towards the small brook, watching the glistening clean water pour over rocks and stones as it fell down the hill. Bleeh looked outwards towards the sparkling lake below, enjoying the serene beauty of the morning.

The rest of Wiki Manor would be awake shortly, so Bleeh left the beautiful lakeshore and walked back towards the manor, while thinking up any number of things she could do to Archibald, if only given the opportunity. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, by the sound of conversation coming from a dense strand of trees nearby. Bleeh, careful not to reveal herself to those secretly conversing, moved ever so slowly towards the edge of the woods, listening as closely as possible to what was said.

Brother Liron spoke first, in a cool tone. "She must not find out. If she does, all we have worked for will be ruined." "What do we do about... him?" asked another voice, that belonging to cruel Archibald. "He will not cause any more problems... after tonight," Liron spoke. "How did you find out about all this?" Archibald asked. "A reliable source, trust me. I would not lie to you, Archie. Just do as we've planned and all will go well. We'll have the money, and we will no longer have to tolerate that horrible woman. Now let's go, it's nearly breakfast, they'll notice that we've gone." With that, Liron and Archie moved from the trees and made their way up towards the Manor. Bleeh waited until she saw them move out of sight, then she quickly ran towards the manor as well, to avoid being spotted by the people inside. She quietly and quickly navigated the manor towards her chamber, and slipped in without incident. A few moments later, she heard a knock on her door, and the voice of Steve said, "Madame Bleeh, Breakfast will be served momentarily. Are you awake?" "Yes, I am. Tell them I shall be there shortly." Bleeh opened up her wardrobe to begin dressing, when a folded note fell out from inside. Bleeh read it quickly, then read it again. It said:

I will help you out. Please meet me in the Wine cellar at midnight.

Bleeh was sure that this note had not been present when she had changed her clothes just minutes before, meaning that someone must have known that she had left, and had snuck in to drop it off. But who could it be and, more importantly, could she trust them?

The day was uneventful, as Allison and Dharden were in town that day taking care of their business. Over the day, Bleeh silently considered the note. Who left it? Can they be trusted? How can they help her, and why do they want to help? Is this just a trap? And what are Liron and Archibald doing tonight? What are they doing and who are they doing it to? Bleeh considered all this as day turned into evening, then evening turned into night. Alison and Dharden went to bed, followed soon after by awkward Duskey. Archibald, eager to escape Liron's presence, soon retired as well, until Liron too went to bed, leaving Bleeh alone as the minutes slowly ticked towards midnight.

She had made up her mind. Mysterious notes left in dressers are simply too untrustworthy, Bleeh decided, and at ten minutes to midnight, she went to her chamber and soon fell asleep. This sleep was short-lived, as Bleeh was soon awoken by a pair of arms grabbing her, just as a hand covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming.

"Miss Bleeh, we have no time!" The voice of Linkita, sharp yet quiet and speaking perfect English, hissed at Bleeh as she struggled to break free. "Bleeh! It's me. I am not going to harm you, but you need to come with me." It was no use, however, as Bleeh continued to struggle. "Bleeh, I thought for sure that you would have found my note." At the mention of the note, Bleeh stopped fighting and sat still. Linkita lifted her hand from Bleeh's mouth, and whispered, "We have no time. If you want help, we need to go now. You can stay here and let whatever happens happen, or you can quietly get up, and we will get you out of here." Bleeh hardly needed any more persuasion, and soon Bleeh and Linkita were moving quickly towards the cellar.

As they approached the door of the cellar, Linkita stopped Bleeh, and knocked three times on the cellar door. The door slowly opened to reveal a completely dark room. Out of the darkness stepped Duskey, who smiled meekly towards Bleeh as he motioned both of them into the cellar. "How much time have we got, Linkita?" Duskey asked, just as a lone gunshot rang through the manor.

"Go!" Linkita shouted as Duskey pulled Bleeh into the cellar, and Linkita slammed the door.

To be continued... -- LostInRiverview talk · blog 21:08, September 25, 2010 (UTC)