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Not to be confused with Juice keg.

Juice is a drink featured in The Sims 2: Seasons, The Sims 3 and The Sims 4.

The Sims 2[edit | edit source]

The Main Squeezer 235X

Game The Sims 2: Seasons
Buyability Buy mode
Object type(s) Hunger
Size 1x1 (surface)

The ability to make juice comes with The Sims 2: Seasons. Drinking juice will fill a Sim's hunger bar, but drinking juice while full does not appear to affect a Sim's fitness. Drinking juice will satisfy a PlantSim's water need. If Open for Business is installed, a Servo can drink juice and benefit from it.

Juices are made in The Main Squeezer 235X, which can be bought in buy mode for §800. It can be stocked with fruits and vegetables obtained through gardening, and once stocked, teen, adult, and elder Sims can use it to make juices. If there is enough produce in the juicer, it is also possible to Serve Juice, which makes a six-serving tray. While children cannot make juices, they can drink from a tray that an older Sim has made. In practice, it appears that making a juice tray requires six times the amount of produce that a single glass requires. (This is contrary to what is stated in the Prima Guide for Seasons.) Juice made from Tasty or Mouthwatering produce will have special effects on Sims who drink it.

Recipes[edit | edit source]

Juices Required Fruits Effects
Apple Juice 3 apples Faster homework
Beauty Cocktail 2 oranges and 2 cucumbers Love potion
Eggplant Juice 2 eggplants Gives random skill point
Lemonade 6 lemons Cools Sim down
Orange Juice 6 oranges Cures cold
Orangeade 4 oranges and 2 lemons Gives random talent badge points, if the Sim has at least one badge. Gives 50 points if made from Tasty produce, and 100 points if made from Mouthwatering produce.
Pepper Punch 2 peppers, 1 pole bean, and 1 apple Energy boost
Pureed Boot A boot The Sim freaks out and goes through random animations
Strawberry Juice 3 strawberries Clears furious a bit
Strawberry Lemonade 2 lemons and 2 strawberries Platinum aspiration. The Sim's aspiration bar will be boosted, but not necessarily maxed.
Tomato Juice 6 tomatoes Warms Sim up
Veggie Cocktail 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 1 pepper, and 1 pole bean Faster skill building

The Sims 3[edit | edit source]

A bar with two servings of Juice. Woo!

Juice is the favored non-alcoholic drink for Sims in The Sims 3 when they hit their home bars at parties. It is a non-alcoholic beverage served in 4 glasses at a time.

Moodlets[edit | edit source]

Icon Name Effect Duration From Description Notes
Sugar Rush +15 mood 4 hours Juice, Nectar Filling up on sugary goodness makes everything more fun! Drinking nectar or juice from the bar, or eating donuts at some jobs. Freezes the 'Entertained' moodlet or the 'Having a Blast' moodlets until timed out.

The Sims 4[edit | edit source]

In The Sims 4, most drinks, non-alcoholic and alcoholic, are referred to as juice.

See also[edit | edit source]

fr:Jus pt-br:Suco