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The Sims 3: World Adventures

This page contains information relating only to MorcuCorp as it features in The Sims series, and not spin-offs such as the MySims Series.

MorcuCorp was originally a fictional company in a spin-off franchise from The Sims series, MySims; however, The Sims 3: World Adventures introduced it into the mainstream The Sims series.

The Sims 3: World Adventures[edit | edit source]

In The Sims 3: World Adventures, MorcuCorp is a malicious corporation dedicated to exploiting the region of Al Simhara. MorcuCorp representatives quickly stoop to bribing locals, and seek contracts with market merchants to ensure the company has a steady supply of relics to trade (presumably on a black market). There is an unnamed local resistance group in Al Simhara, and the player will find themselves aligned with either MorcuCorp or the resistance depending on the adventures that they accept. One adventure opportunity has Sims seeking relics for MorcuCorp from within pyramids. Another has Sims infiltrating the secret MorcuCorp base and hacking their computer system. MorcuCorp members are selected randomly; they can be any available Sim in Al Simhara. After the Sim has thwarted the efforts to collect the three relics, the Sim then begins a series of quests to help ensure a steady revenue stream for MorcuCorp.

Mission bug[edit | edit source]

The final part of the MorcuCorp mission involves hacking the commander's computer at their headquarters. However, there is a bug that prevents the relevant option from appearing on the computer. The only solution is to cancel the opportunity and wait for it to appear again on the adventure board.