Newton Baker

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The Sims 3: Ambitions

Newton Baker
Gender Male Male
Age Teen
Life state Sim
Newton takes after his mother's love for cooking more than his older brother, but he also has a taste for rebellion. How will he turn out with no father to raise him?
Family/Families Baker family (Twinbrook)
Parents Mary Baker (Possibly Bob-Andy Baker)
Siblings Lincoln Baker Older brother
Marital status Single
Romances None
Traits Natural Cook
Dislikes Children
Favorites Indie
Stu Surprise
Hair color Brown
Eye color Blue
Skin color Dark
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Ambitions
Playability Playable
World Twinbrook

Newton Baker is a pre-made Sim from Twinbrook, the town introduced in the The Sims 3: Ambitions. He lives in a large house with his mother Mary and his older brother Lincoln. He is enemies with his brother and friends with his mother. Outside of home, he only knows Rosy and Rich Whelohff, his mother's friends. At the beginning of the game, he has no skills. He is one of two pre-made teens that has the Mooch Trait, the other being a babysitter from Bridgeport, Peyton Suzuki.

It's likely that the deceased Bob-Andy Baker is Newton's father, as his biography hints that his father died recently, and they share some traits.

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