The Sims 3: Showtime

Port-A-Party Warehouse

A Private venue.

The Private Venue is a type of lot assignment in The Sims 3: Showtime. In order to audition or receive a gig in this type of lot, Sims must be at least of level 7 in their performance career.

The Private Venue is a hangout type lot that has set business hours just like the clubs in the Late Night expansion. Your Sim can visit this private venue at any time during normal business hours. Your Showtime Sims will also be able to perform for private parties & put on a show in a Private Venue.

Lot Compatibility Edit

As of patch 36, if you add the required Showtime objects in an art gallery, a lounge or a horse ranch type lots, they will be able to host private show type gigs without requiring to change the lot assignment, allowing it to function as both lot types.

However, housing a Showtime venue in a Late Night club might cause a conflict between their business hours. It would be possible to get a gig at a time the club should be closed, thus not allowing the performer in.

Varieties Edit

Starlight Shores Edit

Brotherhood of Fine Fellows Hall Edit

Brotherhood of Fine Fellows Hall
Brotherhood of Fine Fellows Hall in Starlight Shores.

The urban fortress where the Brotherhood of Fine Fellows comes to eat, drink and be BFF's.

Port-A-Party Warehouse Edit

Port-A-Party Warehouse
Port-A-Party Warehouse in Starlight Shores.

Planning a party, public or private? A perfect place is this Party space!

Los Sueños Private Club Edit

Los Sueños Private Club
Los Sueños Private Club in Starlight Shores.

Only in the In Crowd gets to crown into this private club.

The club features a reception-looking area, and two consecutive halls. The first hall, featuring a DJ booth, contains gender restrooms and an entrance leading to the second hall. The final hall consist of a stage for performances, a bar section and an area for recreational activities (pool game, table-arcade and karaoke). All three halls features one or two lounging areas. The semi-closed outdoor area with the swimming pool also includes a bar section, as well as lots of lounging chairs and tables for drinking