Quinten McAuley

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The Sims 2

Quinten McAuley
Gender Male Male
Age Adult
Life state Sim
Family/Families McAuley family
Marital status Single
Zodiac sign Capricorn
Aspiration Fortune
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Skin color Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2
Playability Townie
Neighborhood Strangetown

Quinten McAuley is one of the pre-made townies in The Sims 2 who resides in Strangetown. He can be made playable by marrying him or befriending and asking him to move in. As far as personality goes, Quinten is extremely playful, quite neat, and somewhat nice; however, he is somewhat shy and extremely lazy.

Like all townies in The Sims 2, Quinten's skills, career and relationships with other townies are usually randomized at the start of the game. He has the same facial structure as Orlando Butler from Veronaville. Quinten has black hair, brown eyes and wears a blue short-sleeved shirt alongside tan trousers.

Quinten's interests are randomized at the start of the game. It is only referenced in the game files that he has no interests.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Sloppy 7 Neat
Shy 4 Outgoing
Lazy 1 Active
Serious 8 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice

Other languages[edit | edit source]

Language The Sims 2
English Quinten McAuley
Brazilian Portuguese Gastão Monastério
Chinese (Simplified) 奎因特恩 迈克沃里
Chinese (Traditional) 雲斯頓 麥克奧利
Czech Quinten McAuley
Danish Quintin Mathisen
Dutch Quintijn van Ginkel
European Portuguese Custódio Barreto
Finnish Raafael Mahtivähälä
French Quentin Laporte
German Ignaz Bauer
Italian Joaquin Fellini
Japanese クインテン マコーリー
Korean 퀸튼 하
Norwegian Pål Mortensen
Polish Radek Niejadek
Russian Герман Макнамара
Spanish Quinto Márquez
Swedish Örjan Mossberg
Thai ควิน•เต็น แมค•ออ•เลย์

fr:Quentin Laporte ru:Герман Макнамара pl:Radek Niejadek