Rosenfeld family

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The Sims Pet Stories

Rosenfeld family
Zoey is very unique and she really loves both of her cats. Baldur and Tootsie get very jealous of anyone else that takes away any of Zoey's attention. Zoey often uses her cats as an excuse to avoid social situations.
Name Rosenfeld family
Members Zoey Rosenfeld, Baldur Rosenfeld, Tootsie Rosenfeld
Funds §60,000
Other information
Game The Sims Pet Stories
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Arbor Falls

The Rosenfeld family is a pre-made family from Arbor Falls, one of the neighborhoods shipped with The Sims Pet Stories. The family consists of Zoey Rosenfeld and her two cats, Baldur and Tootsie. Zoey is as shy and introverted as she is artistically inclined. She's unsure if she relates to people well, and has almost given up trying. Baldur and Tootsie get very jealous of anyone else that takes away any of Zoey's attention. Zoey often uses her cats as an excuse to avoid social situations. Baldur tries to encourage Zoey’s artistic side, and considers himself Zoey’s muse. Tootsie constantly fends off Baldur's advances. She aggressively tries to keep Zoey all to herself.

The Rosenfeld family starts off in the neighborhood's family bin with §60,000 in funds.


pt-br:Família Rolando ru:Семья Розенфельд