Smith family (Felicity Island)

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The Sims Castaway Stories

Smith family
Much to their surprise, Robby and Emma found happiness on Felicity Island. Now that they've decided to stay, will they grow closer to one another or will they simply drive each other nuts?
Name Smith family
Members Robby Smith, Emma Langsford
Resources 6,000
Other information
Game The Sims Castaway Stories
Neighborhood Felicity Island
Not to be confused with Smith family.

The Smith family is a pre-made family from Felicity Island, one of the neighborhoods shipped with The Sims Castaway Stories. The family consists of roommates Robby Smith and Emma Langsford.

Robby and Emma are part of Shipwrecked and Single story as survivors of the Queen Solomon cruise ship. They are initially found on the Barren Banks, along with other survivors, Hugh Bailey, Sandra Barnham and Gina Gibson.

At the end of the story, Hugh, Gina and Sandra are rescued by a helicopter, but Robby and Emma decide to stay on the island, and can be found in the family bin.

Members[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This is one of only two families in the franchise with no "adult" characters (e.g. characters in the young adult, adult, or elder life stages) present. The other is the Newson family from The Sims 2: Apartment Life.

pt-br:Núcleo Silvino