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== Sim-related secrets ==
=== Vaughan[[Oscar FerretinoDel Fuego]] ===
# (Personal): Oscar has a tattoo of a rattlesnake... somewhere on his body.
# (Intimate): Oscar wears leopard skin underwear to work when he's feeling "festive".
# (Dark): Sometimes Oscar overcharges for repairs to pay for his music-downloading fines.
# (Philistine!): Oscar thinks that Michelangelo painted the Mona Lisa.
=== [[Bella Goth]] ===
# (Personal): Bella married for money... but stayed for free premium cable!
# (Intimate): Bella never REALLY loved Mortimer... she married him for his money.
# (Dark): Bella knows Kung Fu. A man named Kung Fu. He does all her landscaping. Nice guy.
# (Bella's Alien Secret): Bella is running away because she was abducted by aliens!
=== [[Mambo Loa]] ===
# (Personal): Mambo Loa uses mild head-shrinking techniques to keep her hair in line.
# (Intimate): When she gets that thousand-mile stare in her eyes, you know she's in love. Or insane.
# (Dark): Mambo's got a voodoo doll of everyone in town... just in case they mess with the Mambo.
# (Trash Donuts): Mambo Loa hides her donuts in the trash can in the restroom. Gross!
=== [[Deputy Duncan]] ===
# (Personal): [[Mambo Loa]] used to teach Duncan's music class in kindergarten.
# (Intimate): Duncan developed a young crush on Mambo Loa, and kept it secret for years.
# (Dark): When Mambo Loa rejected Duncan's advances, he started STALKING her!
# (Ungrateful Dead): Deputy Duncan says that [[Paradise Place]] is built on an old cemetery!
=== [[Loki Beaker]] ===
# (Personal): Loves to chew on aluminum foil to make his teeth "buzz".
# (Intimate): That thick, wavy hair is really just a high-tech evil-genius toupee.
# (Dark): Met his wife by lurking in an online chatroom devoted to lurking in online chatrooms.
# (Loki's Secret Patents): Loki has secret patents for an electric vomit recycler and fuzzy carrying case. Sounds delicious!
=== [[Circe Beaker]] ===
# (Personal): Every time she sneezes, she forgets what happened in the last five minutes.
# (Intimate): Nothing excites her more than volunteering for crazy science experiments.
# (Dark): Circe is secretly jealous of her husband's independence and distinction. Also, she hates his cooking.
# (Circe's Affair): Circe has been sneaking off with Doctor [[Dominic Newlow]]!
=== [[Gimi Branko]] ===
# (Personal): Became a garbage man so he'd have another source for his "merchandise"...
# (Intimate): Was once seen dancing with a homemade scarecrow in the junkyard.
# (Dark): Claims he owns a magic sword with "a thousand years of power!"
# (Compromising Position): Gimi was found half-crazed in the Beakers' dungeon.
=== [[Roland Calonzo]] ===
# (Personal): Lost his big toe in a traumatizing foolish childhood game of "steal my toe".
# (Intimate): Loves [[Hazel Dente|Hazel]] because "she's crazy and you never know what she'll do next".
# (Dark): Roland is a bit scared because Hazel once told him she "loved him to death".
# (Dallying with the Help): Roland had a fling with Hazel as her pool boy before they got engaged.
=== [[Hazel Dente]] ===
# (Personal): Dabbles in "home remedies"... involving arsenic, bitter almonds, and strychnine.
# (Intimate): Hazel's got a thing for guys with money... a thing called "bad luck".
# (Dark): Can stop a man's heart just by glancing at him! The evil eye!
# (Serial Monogamist): Hazel Dente may have caused her husbands' deaths so she could keep their money!
=== [[Emily Emory]] ===
# (Personal): Emily Emory died in 1923. She has been haunting the [[Espiritu Estate]] ever since.
# (Intimate): Emily Emory has a bit of a crush on you, but she's too ashamed to admit it.
# (Dark): Emily HATES the way you chew your food, but she would never admit it.
# (Haunted House): The Espiritu Estate is haunted by three scary ghosts.
=== [[Dominic Newlow]] ===
# (Personal): Forgot to patent his laser veggie-dicer doomsday device and lost millions.
# (Intimate): Secretly loves to be humiliated so he has an excuse for evil vendettas.
# (Dark): Prefers sixties- and seventies-era spy movies to the modern stuff.
# (Secret Identity): Dominic Newlow is really an evil supergenius who calls himself "Doctor Dominion"!
=== [[Penelope Kline]] ===
# (Personal): She invented her own headache remedy called "Tears of a Clown".
# (Intimate): Gets terrible stage fright, which cripples her professional line-dancing ambitions.
# (Dark): Thinks deep-fried marshmallows are a holiday delicacy.
=== [[Isaac Rossum]] ===
# (Personal): Isaac's first invention was an automated rescue helicopter. But he bungled it.
# (Intimate): Isaac used to work as a city planner years ago. His cities always had heavy traffic.
# (Dark): Isaac is now developing a single-celled organism that will evolve in mere minutes.
# (Robotic Wife): [[Roberta Rossum|Roberta]] is actually a ROBOT that Isaac built in his workroom using bits of old toasters!
=== [[Roberta Rossum]] ===
# (Personal): Has an inexplicable craving to condition her hair with motor oil each morning.
# (Intimate): Nothing gets her motor going faster than having her buttons pushed repeatedly.
# (Dark): She routinely solves an array of variable, functional problems and is sick of getting pointers to this data.
# (Rebellious Robot): Roberta has always dreamed of having free will... and a way to leave her husband.
=== [[Vaughan Ferretino]] ===
# (Personal): Is convinced that his dead parrot is "just sleeping".
# (Intimate): Sometimes eats baby food at the supermarket when nobody is looking.
# (Dark): This guy is totally paranoid, and thinks an outside force is controlling his entire life.
=== [[Tureen Allard]] ===
# (Personal): Secretly throws dandelion seeds onto her neighbor's lawn at night.
# (Intimate): Has been known to stay up 48 hours straight watching old cartoons.
# (Dark): Held the high score on the town's only pinball machine before it broke. Mysteriously.
=== [[Scoots Turnberry]] ===
# (Personal): Smuggles illegal wool tartan blankets into the country for extra income.
# (Intimate): Left his native land to chase skirts... he has a whole collection in his closet.
# (Dark): Moved to [[Strangetown]] to get away from the stress and strain of unemployment.
=== [[Erin Philips]] ===
# (Personal): Once accidentally poisoned her friends with a bad casserole.
# (Intimate): Used to be a track and field star... until her "Happy Juice Problem" came to light.
# (Dark): Blew all the money from her divorce on a shady pyramid scheme.
=== Bull[[Lincoln DratchBroadsheet]] ===
# (Personal): HasLincoln beenlost inthe loveuse withof Sarahis Starrlegs ever sincein shea gotfreak tostapler Strangetownaccident.
# (Intimate): Lincoln Broadsheet likes to watch [[Virginya Feng]] from his window... a little too much.
# (Dark): Lincoln was barred from practicing journalism in [[Miniopolis]] for his crazy ideas.
# (Squatter): A reporter named Lincoln has set up shop in the abandoned library, probably illegally.
=== [[Ophelia Nigmos|Ophelia Specter]] ===
# (Personal): Ophelia no longer uses internet dating... "I live in a graveyard" doesn't attract the best men.
# (Intimate): Ophelia has trouble sleeping without the soothing wail of a frenzied ghost.
# (Dark): Ophelia is so absent minded, she's been known to find her keys, but lose her house!
# (To Heir is Human): Ophelia knocked over the bookcase where her mother's will was kept.
=== [[Hoot Howell]] ===
# (Personal): Hoot used to train owls as watchdogs... but it was hard to keep them on a leash.
# (Intimate): Hoot started the saloon with the profits from selling a single giant belt buckle.
# (Dark): Hoot's parents promised him a puppy... but they brought home a sister instead.
# (Struggling Saloon): Hoot's business has been going badly since the Night Beast arrived.
=== [[Annie Howell]] ===
# (Personal): Annie gave up college to pursue her dream of sitting at home, wishing she'd gone to college.
# (Intimate): Annie was actually adopted from an underground facility next to the county zoo.
# (Dark): When you pushed her to the edge, Annie looked like she might SNAP! Scary girl.
# (Holy Howling Hoochies!): Annie Howell is the Night Beast!
=== [[Virginya Feng]] ===
# (Personal): Virginya hates being out in the sun... maybe she's worried about her complexion.
# (Intimate): Has been known to give some killer hickies every once in a while.
# (Dark): Apparently, there is some bad blood going way back between Virginya and the Kine Society...
# (Virginya the Vamp): Virginya Feng is a vampire, and has been undead since the 19th century!
=== [[Tex Folsom]] ===
# (Personal): Was the first member of his family to graduate from middle school.
# (Intimate): Wants to make a horror movie... but where could he get half a dozen zombies?
# (Dark): Once punched himself out in a rage after subjecting himself to self-deprecating humor.
=== [[Dante Hudd]] ===
# (Personal): Thinks "dynamite fishing" makes for a great first date.
# (Intimate): Sells his art online for loads of cash. Once, he made an entire Simoleon!
# (Dark): Once didn't wash for three weeks just to "see what he smelled like".
=== [[Dixie Stills]] ===
# (Personal): Once wrestled professionally under the name "Southern Discomfort".
# (Intimate): You can find at least a dozen marriages in town that she has wrecked.
# (Dark): Descended from workers on an illegal juice orchard. Still cringes when she hears a siren.
=== [[Yeva Comonova]] ===
# (Personal): Occasionally steals money from the register to feed her raging bubblegum habit.
# (Intimate): Yeva once had a nose job... she trimmed other people's nose hair for a living.
# (Dark): Yeva practices signing her name again and again, "just in case" someone wants an autograph.
# (She's a Little Too Happy...): The Dairy is apparently owned and operated by the creepy Kine Society.
=== [[Rick Wong]] ===
# (Personal): Rick guards the Kine Compound as seriously as he monitored hallways in grade school.
# (Intimate): Rick collects action figures from the "Heroes of Agriculture" line.
# (Dark): Rick used to be a bouncer at the [[Nighthowl Saloon|Nighthowl]], but he bored patrons with endless questions.
# (Qualifying Round): Rick's little "impromptu" quiz is actually the first step of initiation into the Kine Society.
=== [[Sinjin Balani]] ===
# (Personal): Sinjin once tried to start a sheep-themed secret society, but people only said, "Bah!"
# (Intimate): Sinjin wins the Kine Society spitting contest every single year.
# (Dark): Sinjin has switched to skim milk to lose weight. But he still preaches the virtues of whole!
# (The Truth about the Kine): Sinjin Balani secretly knows that the Kine Society is based on a lie.
=== [[Sara Starr]] ===
# (Personal): When she's not ranting and raving, Sara likes to relax with some fireside power-knitting.
# (Intimate): Sara only pretends to be interested in [[Sinjin Balani]]. She wants to take his place.
# (Dark): Sara's not all about hierarchies and competition. She's also about stepping on the little guy.
# (Kine Sunrise Ritual): You now know the secret Sunrise Ritual of the Kine Society.
=== [[Bull Dratch]] ===
# (Personal): Has been in love with [[Sara Starr]] ever since she got to [[Strangetown]].
# (Intimate): Hates churning butter so much that he makes a point of "contaminating" every batch.
# (Dark): Was banned from writing pamphlets because he couldn't stop making dirty jokes.
=== [[Marie Au Lait]] ===
# (Personal): Is a direct descendentdescendant of Louis Pasteur, who made milk-drinking safe for the world.
# (Intimate): Sometimes talks to the stuffed animals she named after her ex-boyfriends.
# (Dark): Likes to "'spoil"' mice and rats by putting imported cheese in their mousetraps.
=== Kristina[[Pita LoveFlorica]] ===
# (Personal): Pita can't abide the smell of deodorant, which is why she keeps [[Gimi Branko|Gimi]] around.
# (Intimate): Has dreamed of running off to be a motorcycle mechanic since she was a little girl.
# (Dark): Pita knows a secret family recipe for gasless bean burritos.
# (Disappointed Heir): Pita's claim on the Meetinghouse is no good. It really belongs to [[Ophelia Nigmos|Ophelia]].
=== [[Kristina Love]] ===
# (Personal): Ran away from home as a teenager and joined some traveling acrobats.
# (Intimate): Owns about three thousand cats, only two of whom really appreciate her.
# (Dark): Gets all her romantic advice from fortune cookies and teen magazines.
=== [[Betsy Shelton]] ===
# (Personal): Hates the Kine Society, but is really just jealous of the cool dresses they wear.
# (Intimate): Has made out with everyone in town, except the Night Beast, and it's next!
# (Dark): Fantasizes constantly about [[Lincoln Broadsheet]]... about wringing his neck, that is!
=== Tex[[Chet FolsomCrawley]] ===
# (Personal): Was the first member of his family to graduate from middle school.
# (Intimate): Wants to make a horror movie... but where could he get half a dozen zombies?
# (Dark): Once punched himself out in a rage after subjecting himself to self-deprecating humor.
=== Chet Crawley ===
# (Personal): Got kicked out of the army because he sucked at the bugle.
# (Intimate): Once ratted out his own girlfriend to avoid jail time.
# (Dark): Used to be addicted to daytime soap operas, before he discovered video games.
=== Dixie[[Jesse StillsLee Varmint]] ===
# (Personal): Once wrestled professionally under the name "Southern Discomfort".
# (Intimate): You can find at least a dozen marriages in town that she has wrecked.
# (Dark): Descended from workers on an illegal juice orchard. Still cringes when she hears a siren.
=== Dante Hudd ===
# (Personal): Thinks "dynamite fishing" makes for a great first date.
# (Intimate): Sells his art online for loads of cash. Once, he made an entire Simoleon!
# (Dark): Once didn't wash for three weeks just to "see what he smelled like".
=== Jesse Lee Varmint ===
# (Personal): Has been plagued with a "gas problem" since he was a child.
# (Intimate): Can drink an entire bottle of hot sauce. It only takes him about five weeks.
# (Dark): Has been known to break into his own home at night after the saloon closes.
=== Cristian[[General AllardBuzz Grunt]] ===
# (Personal): HisThey solecall joyhim andBuzz purposebecause inhe lifeshaves ishis tochest secretlyevery sabotage Lazlo's experimentsmorning.
# (Intimate): Can'tBuzz seemgot tohis distinguishstripes proctologyby frompushing speleologypaper above and beyond the call of duty.
# (Dark): UsesBuzz sleeps with a complexteddy multivariablebear algorithmin tocamouflage choosethat hishe sockscalls every"the morningBrigadier".
# (Keep Enemies Closer): General Grunt has imprisoned the Smith family under the guise of "protecting" them.
=== Red[[Tank SandsGrunt|Colonel Tank Grunt]] ===
# (Personal): Tank wanted to go into ballet, but his father forced him into the military.
# (Personal): Earned early fame by inventing non-explosive "child-safe" TNT.
# (Intimate): HasTank perfectsecretly planblames Ripp for doomsdaystealing his first love... device,an butaction can'tfigure obtainnamed publicMissy fundingMcBoom.
# (Dark): StaysTank uponce lategot eachpunished nightby tryingBuzz tofor transmutebeing gold"too intocreative" leadwith his face paint.
# (Tank's Incompetence): Tank let someone hack into his security computer.
=== Jane[[Ripp KochGrunt|Corporal Ripp Grunt]] ===
# (Personal): HerRipp parentsalways gaveloves herto dollslook andat dresses,the butstars... sheuntil usedhe themwalks asinto hostagesa and tourniquetslamppost.
# (Intimate): UnknownRipp tolost ANYONEmuch inof town,his herbody REALhair namein isan "Janet."experimental Shocking!blow-dryer incident.
# (Dark): Ripp's debilitating fear of toilets was caused by one too many swirlies as a child.
# (Dark): Hates clay pigeons with an eternal, burning passion.
# (Innocent Victim): Ripp's brother beats him up regularly, even though they are both adults.
=== [[Jenny Smith]] ===
# (Personal): Jenny loves the smell of Napalm. It reminds her of her dad.
# (Intimate): Jenny says kissing her husband is like eating spinach... it's green and messy.
# (Dark): Jenny's feet are actually flippers, but she paints them to look like real feet.
# (Nocturnal Investigation): Jenny admits to you that her husband leaves every night to search the crashed UFO.
=== [[Johnny Smith]] ===
# (Personal): Johnny knows that green skin is just like red hair... a great reason to bully a smaller kid.
# (Intimate): Whenever Johnny gets really excited, he starts to smell like fish.
# (Dark): When Johnny was born, he looked like a squid. It's all been downhill from there.
# (Cabin Fever): Johnny Smith ran away from [[Division 47]], and is hiding out in [[Deadtree]].
=== [[Jill Smith]] ===
# (Personal): Jill has always dreamed of becoming an astronaut and meeting her ancestors.
# (Intimate): Jill's pigtails are just a disguise to hide the eyes in the back of her head.
# (Dark): Jill has the secret ability to set people on fire. It terrifies her, so she keeps it hidden.
# (Homebody): Jill is strangely tolerant of living in the barracks. It's like she belongs there.
=== [[Pollination Tech 9 Smith|Mister Smith]] ===
# (Personal): Pollination Tech #9 really thinks his "human disguise" is working.
# (Intimate): A traditional alien first date includes a trip around the moon and a swift kick in the pants.
# (Dark): His favorite thing about living on earth?... Free chlorofluorocarbons!
# (Special Delivery): The crashed UFO was here to deliver a personal item to Mister Smith.
=== [[Lazlo Curious]] ===
# (Personal): Lazlo became a scientist for one reason... the test monkeys. He just loves monkeys.
# (Intimate): Lazlo developed a recipe for air-puffed turkey. The same turkey taste, but less filling!
# (Dark): Claims to have contacted a lost civilization with the aid of two pie tins and duct tape.
# (Xenophile): [[Vidcund Curious|Vidcund]] claims that Lazlo has been skulking around the UFO with an alien.
=== [[Pascal Curious]] ===
# (Personal): Pascal claims to have been impregnated by aliens!
# (Intimate): Every time Pascal eats calamari, it reminds him of his mother.
# (Dark): Pascal has had a crazy itch since his abduction, which he just can't seem to scratch!
# (Proud Father): Pascal actually gave BIRTH to baby [[Tycho Curious|Tycho]] after he was abducted by aliens.
=== [[Vidcund Curious]] ===
# (Personal): He was once a stand-up comic... When he told jokes, everyone would stand up to leave.
# (Intimate): Vidcund used to be a fire fighter, but got fired for being too hot-headed...
# (Dark): Vidcund sold Tycho to the Dudes in Black so they would fund his secret project.
# (Working with the Enemy): Lazlo claims that Vidcund has been working with the [[Dudes in Black]].
=== [[Dudes in Black|Dude in Black]] ===
# (Personal): Like women the way they like their socks ... thick, clean, and slightly fuzzy.
# (Intimate): They all dream of someday buying a white suit and living in the tropics.
# (Dark): They wear underpants made entirely of lead to protect him from radiation.
# (The Dudes in Black): You now know the passcode into the Secret Sublevel: 24601.
=== [[Winnie Chester]] ===
# (Personal): Likes to yell, "'Attention!"' when her date starts to ignore her at dinner.
# (Intimate): The only reason she joined the military was for the snappy uniform.
# (Dark): Lost her eyebrows in the line of duty. Now she has to paint them in every morning.
=== [[Sten Luger]] ===
# (Personal): His only vice is using too much butter on his toast, when he's feeling indulgent.
# (Intimate): Didn't qualify for Special Forces because his feet were too short.
# (Dark): When his unit goes on leave, he sneaks off to Pants-wetting Cowards Anonymous.
=== [[Clint Heckler]] ===
# (Personal): Received his first boy scout badge for building a fully-defended ant fortress.
# (Intimate): Follows a strict creed of honor, duty, respect, greed and nepotism.
# (Dark): His unit once chased down a kidnapped alien while armed only with walkie-talkies.
=== The[[Jane Dudes in BlackKoch]] ===
# (Personal): LikeHer womenparents thegave wayher theydolls likeand theirdresses, socks...but thick,she clean,used andthem slightlyas hostages and fuzzytourniquets.
# (Intimate): TheyUnknown allto dreamANYONE ofin somedaytown, buyingher aREAL whitename suitis and'Janet.' living in the tropics.Shocking!
# (Dark): Hates clay pigeons with an eternal, burning passion.
# (Dark): They wear underpants made entirely of lead to protect him from radiation.
# (Mission): You now know the passcode into the Secret Sublevel: 24601.
=== [[Cristian Allard]] ===
# (Personal): His sole joy and purpose in life is to secretly sabotage [[Lazlo Curious|Lazlo's]] experiments. 
# (Intimate): Can't seem to distinguish proctology from speleology. 
# (Dark): Uses a complex multivariable algorithm to choose his socks every morning.
=== [[Red Sands]] ===
# (Personal): Earned the early fame by inventing non-explosive 'child-safe' TNT.
# (Intimate): Has perfect plan for doomsday device, but can't obtain public funding. 
# (Dark): Stays up late each night trying to transmute gold into lead.
== Secrets of a certain subject ==
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