Talk:Oasis Landing

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Talk:Oasis Landing

This is a page for discussing improvements to Oasis Landing

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Name[edit source]

Let's get things straight. What's the name of this sub-hood? Please take a look at this image and read the description. Now I don't know if they decidedly renamed the hood into "Oasis Landing", but did EA say it's Arcadia Landing? Do they ever use the name in-game? Nikel Talk Vote! 10:36, August 22, 2013 (UTC)

IIRC, they said "Arcadia Landing" in the live broadcasts on July 23 and July 30. but I don't recall if the name appeared in the demo. There is supposed to be a live broadcast today at 15:00 UTC (if I'm doing the conversion right); might be more info there. Dharden (talk) 10:55, August 22, 2013 (UTC)
It sounds like EA are confused themselves. :/ I guess whichever the real name is, we'd better use "Arcadia Landing" before jumping to conclusions. Nikel Talk Vote! 14:16, August 22, 2013 (UTC)
Yeah. If the final name is something else, someone can set a bot to change to it. Dharden (talk) 18:24, August 22, 2013 (UTC)
I just watched the latest live broadcast, and I'm pretty sure King said "Oasis" Landing. I'm still looking for a concrete evidence though. Nikel Talk Vote! 18:33, August 22, 2013 (UTC)
No doubt it'll be on YouTube before long. Dharden (talk) 22:18, August 22, 2013 (UTC)

The Beakers to return?[edit source]

I'm not sure how to add citations but I thought I'd link to this if nobody else has caught it yet - The Sims Facebook page did a teaser today hinting that Loki and Circe Beaker (or some relatives of theirs) might be set to make a return in Oasis Landing:

Is this worth adding to the article?

Beatrice Monty (talk) 17:13, October 10, 2013 (UTC)

That's a pretty cool find. Although, I'd prefer to wait until they can provide clearer info about it... Well, that is, on its release date. Nikel Talk Vote! 17:40, October 10, 2013 (UTC)
It's not the real Loki and Circe, it's Loki's clones. Atom is the boy and Ceres is the girl. Kaiko Mikkusu (talk) 18:20, May 15, 2014 (UTC)
They aren't clones of Loki. They are genetically engineer twins created by Loki Beaker. It is stated in the article. And they are his children when they live in Strangetown and somehow the twins are transported in Oasis Landing. As it can see from the family bio. 
Also, there aren't have any clones in TS2 and only TS3:U. Well, there aren't engineering children in TS2 either. But EAxis put this in some point.
And you stated the twins their gender, obviously. ThePeculiarMe | (talk to me) 2:30, May 16, 2014 (UTC)
Thank you so much for the clarification. But in case it wasn't clear enough, the discussion started while Into The Future was still under development. Meaning, it was before we even knew "Atom Beaker" existed. Nikel Talk Vote! 14:45, May 16, 2014 (UTC)
Genetic engineering, clones, whatever, it's still the same thing. The genes had to come from somewhere, in that case they came from Loki with a bit of Erin, Bjorn, and Gundrun. But they do not have Circe's genes right? Or Nervous'. They're basically clones of Loki... Kaiko Mikkusu (talk) 05:56, June 22, 2014 (UTC)
@Kaiko: They are big difference. Clones are like copying you but more or less physical appearance to them in each other while Genetic Engineering by building mechanics like robots. But I close to the conclusion that your opinions and I are contradict in each other, because it might be a war who's right or not. :P ~~.ThePeculiarMe | (talk to me) | (my mistakes) 06:13, June 22, 2014 (UTC)

Some stuff[edit source]

Oh, it's already started...! Russo family, eh? I can no longer forget Ariel Baron's fanons now...

Does anyone know how many worlds are there in the game folder? Could there be 3 separate worlds depending on the type of the future? If so, it's probably necessary to create each world, with some considerations though. If, for example, the residents are all the same, there's no need to do this. Nikel Talk Vote! 13:27, October 22, 2013 (UTC)

You might want to ask EJB. He's the one who started all these. I'm not sure if I can find this game now in the local store, it's still too early. --Frostwalker Talk to me! 13:39, October 22, 2013 (UTC)
Gonna take a while for us if we are to wait for the physical disc. I'm already agitated to see other people talking about ITF... Maybe I'll just ask him in person if he doesn't show up here. Nikel Talk Vote! 14:07, October 22, 2013 (UTC)
All three outcomes shares the same world file, I just checked it. That means same sims, same townies etc. I don't think if say, we were to create a house in Oasis Landing, it would get reset if we change the outcome since the game uses the same world file. EpicJoyBoy (My talk page!) 15:12, October 22, 2013 (UTC)
Very interesting. So there's only one world file in the game folder? Thanks for clearing that up! I've always thought there were 3 separate world files for each future outcome. Nikel Talk Vote! 15:23, October 22, 2013 (UTC)

Returning families[edit source]

I'm sure some of you may have seen that the Larson family and the Russo family has been moved to the Returning families section. Yes, the Larson family is featured in Open For Business, but I don't think the family from Oasis Landing are even related to them. They don't even share similar facial features. As for the Russo family, I can't remember if there's anyone related to them. Should I move them back to the New families section? EpicJoyBoy (My talk page!) 18:34, October 23, 2013 (UTC)

There is a Russo family in Monte Vista. Panerai (talk) 19:25, October 23, 2013 (UTC)
Yeah, but she's already an elder, and she is unlikely to have any children either due to her Dislikes Children trait. I think we might be able to consider the Russo family from Oasis Landing as distant relatives. EpicJoyBoy (My talk page!) 21:03, October 23, 2013 (UTC)
I disagree if we are to say the Larson family is a returning family. This might be just a coincidence, and they just happened to share the same surnames. This is just the same as Cho family in Hidden Springs and the one in Belladonna Cove.
The same may go to the Russos, unless they have an evidence that proves they're related in some ways, like the Parrott family and the Mango family. Nikel Talk Vote! 15:38, October 24, 2013 (UTC)
I do agree that the Larsons aren't related, yes. The Russos, however, could be related in some ways. They at least did share similar facial features (green eyes, tan skin, etc.) Also, Oasis Landing is about a few hundred years into the future so they might very well be distant relatives, as said earlier. EpicJoyBoy (My talk page!) 23:11, October 24, 2013 (UTC)
Maybe Sebastiana has a brother, and these Russos are nephews and nieces of hers. Kaiko Mikkusu (talk) 16:49, April 30, 2015 (UTC)

Sims articles[edit source]

I've pretty much lost my interest in The Sims series (though I still lurk regularly), and because of my lack of activity here as of now, I'm wondering if anyone could finish the rest of the Sims (and plumbots) articles here (and hopefully Roaring Heights too). I've uploaded all the headshots of Sims and plumbots in Oasis Landing sometime ago, so I hope someone will make use of it. Thanks! EpicJoyBoy (My talk page!) 07:00, May 16, 2014 (UTC)

Thank you for all your contributions here! :) Your headshots will be needed for these Sim articles for sure, so thank you for that too! Nikel Talk Vote! 04:33, May 25, 2014 (UTC)

adding new sims[edit source]

how do you add new sims to oasis landing via edit town? (talk) 22:07, June 27, 2014 (UTC)

Recreational park[edit source]

Can someone tell me where is the recreational park? I only saw three normal parks and the business park in Oasis Landing. And the evidence of the list of community lots. ~~.ThePeculiarMe | (talk to me) | (my mistakes) 10:41, July 15, 2014 (UTC)

If I recall correctly, this lot assignment only appears in the Edit Town mode, but there's no premade lot that uses this lot assignment. Also, I think the lot assignment is rather incomplete, since the icon is the residential house icon. That, or I forgot it completely. Nikel Talk Vote! 17:10, July 15, 2014 (UTC)
I've checked before and only four of them are shown; the plumbot competition arena, bot emporium, gallery shop, and... I don't know the name but it is a building. So, I don't see a recreational park too. Or I should recheck again. ~~.ThePeculiarMe | (talk to me) | (my mistakes) 10:46, July 24, 2014 (UTC)
Cafeteria? Business park? Anyway, this is the map tag of recreational park. Don't mind the lack of text. Nikel Talk Vote! 10:55, July 24, 2014 (UTC)
Is that what it looks like? I'll look it for tomorrow since I lack of time and I have school tomorrow. ~~.ThePeculiarMe | (talk to me) | (my mistakes) 11:04, July 24, 2014 (UTC)
Yes. I'm not sure if this lot assignment is enabled by default though. I always play with testingCheatsEnabled true and enableLotLocking on, so all hidden lot assignments always show up in the selection. Nikel Talk Vote! 11:12, July 24, 2014 (UTC)
I've checked (again) and only gallery shop, future lounge, bot emporium, and the theatre shown, so this lot assignment isn't show in default. I tried with your way in Oasis Landing but it didn't show the park nor this map tag with no building... or maybe I need to change another world. ~~.ThePeculiarMe | (talk to me) | (my mistakes) 23:56, July 25, 2014 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── There's a lot assignment for theater? I didn't know that. It's strange that the map tag isn't shown to you... I haven't visited Oasis Landing for a long time either. I might check it some time later. Nikel Talk Vote! 05:32, July 28, 2014 (UTC)

Okay, I've been searching this a quite time but still it doesn't show. Can somebody find a hard evidence with this thing? I have research in different sites but they didn't gave any details about this. ~~.ThePeculiarMe | (talk to me) | (my mistakes) 11:38, September 22, 2014 (UTC)
Dang, I just visited Oasis Landing few days ago but I didn't check thoroughly whatever it was there. One thing for sure is that there was just no premade recreational park. It might take a few days for me to run my game again, but to make it clear... what is it you're asking again? I'll make sure I'm not the one confused. :/ Nikel Talk Vote! 11:49, September 22, 2014 (UTC)
Well, the same as the beginning, where is this really come from? I'm still puzzling this where did the user get this detail. And I've been thinking that this will appear with another expansion pack as much like the ice goblin glitch from Ambitions. Though, this is not possible. ~~.ThePeculiarMe | (talk to me) | (my mistakes) 12:18, September 22, 2014 (UTC)
If you're talking about the list on lot assignment, then it was probably me. But there was also an anon who improved the article with a bunch of edits. He didn't remove recreational park. I was kind of certain of his edit... I promise I'll check and figure it out in the game. Hopefully I can do it within the week. Nikel Talk Vote! 12:28, September 22, 2014 (UTC)
I turned out to be really busy irl this week. I don't know if I could check it any time soon. Nikel Talk Vote! 11:31, September 28, 2014 (UTC)
It's okay then. I didn't meant to rush you out or something.(^⊆^)However, about the edit you showed me, where did you get that list during that time? ~~.ThePeculiarMe | (talk to me) | (my mistakes) 11:56, September 28, 2014 (UTC)

────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────When I first installed ITF, I checked the new lot assignments in the game, took a snapshot of my laptop's screen with my phone, and then later I wrote it here. I did it only briefly because I didn't have time to check everything in ITF yet. Even until now I never got to fully experience the EP though... Again, it's possible that the lot assignment appears there due to enableLotLocking cheat. Nikel Talk Vote! 11:29, September 29, 2014 (UTC)

Making premade sims playable[edit source]

My comment is about this part; "There are 20 pre-made families in Oasis Landing; however, they are unplayable at the start without asking or being asked to move in. Also, some will usually be replaced with <last name>'s Descendants household." Under the Families section.

Instead of asking the family to move in, couldn't the player just go into "Edit Town", select the family they want, and merge it with the active household. Or just switch to them as Active Household?

I'm sure this can be done. My cousin is obsessed with Into The Future expansion pack. She plays as the Landgraab family. In her gameplay, she took the Sunset Valley Landgraabs and merged them with the Oasis Landing Landgraabs. They owned both the original house of each family in both neighbourhoods. She created this whole story, where the SV family went into the future and found their decendants. The whole family traveled back and forth through time, enjoying the features of both times. But then settled in the past, until all the kids were grown up and the whole family went back into the future. (Sorry for slight off topicness there, but it helped explain my point a little, I hope...)

I'm pretty sure she used the method I mentioned to get the family merged. (However, she might have re-purchased the OL Landgraab's house, though.) WayfinderOwl (talk) 18:32, December 10, 2014 (UTC)

Hmm, I don't know. I almost never visited OL and I hardly played the game lately. I assumed you couldn't because your Sims are still considered as "traveling to another world," because they still have families and belongings back in their main world. If you can switch household in OL, what will happen to the main world?
It's just an assumption though. I've never tried, and I didn't pay attention to that detail when I went to Edit Town mode in OL back then. Nikel Talk Vote! 08:42, December 12, 2014 (UTC)