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Featured Editor
This user was selected as a Featured Editor on The Sims Wiki for September 2014, in recognition of their positive contributions to the wiki.

Games that I have:[edit | edit source]

The Sims 2 University Nightlife Open For Business Pets Seasons Bon Voyage FreeTime Apartment Life

Family Fun Stuff Glamour Life Stuff Celebration! Stuff H&M Fashion Stuff Teen Style Stuff Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff IKEA Home Stuff Mansion & Garden Stuff

The Sims 3 World Adventures Ambitions

High-End Loft Stuff

I don't play these

ASE This user speaks American Sign Language at a native level.
EN This user speaks English at a native level.

About me[edit | edit source]

Hello fellow Sims player. As you might guess from my user name, I am Deaf, which makes for interesting game play especially when I don't know for sure if the "Try for a Baby" was a success until after a Sim day. I do usually play my game with earphones and maxed volume, but it seems that there have been a couple of times the chime did go and I didn't hear it so I had my couples try again right away because I seem to have a high number of twins in my game. I never knew that trying for a baby twice in one day both with success could result in twins.

As for the rest of my user name, it doesn't relate to the Marvel Comics superhero (although he is one of my favorite). It is actually related to my first name being a Hebrew name meaning "man" and my last name meaning cold.

I'm also told that I am an Admin. I guess that means that I have some other responsibilities here as well. (I guess I better learn what that entails.) So if you need help, I am willing to do so to the best of my abilities.

Current activities[edit | edit source]

While I don't seem to be very "active" on the wiki, I usually drop in at least once a day, if not more. Sometimes it is just as little as reading up on something that I want to know (or remember) for my gameplay. I will also find things on the wiki that are missing and/or incorrect from time to time and make edits where needed. (You will notice that most of the times it is related to Sims 2 because that is what I play.) Most of the times my obvious activity consists of me updating my fanon, The Genesis Project. It started out with only 8 male Sims charged with populating an all-male neighborhood. Now it is several generations in with several of their sons filling the hood. If you would like to read it, go right ahead.

So while I might appear to be inactive or just plain hiding behind the scenes, I am actually very easy going. If you need anything of me, don't be afraid to ask.

Fanon Stats[edit | edit source]

With a year of not having fanon stats because Mathetesalexandrou has stopped coming to the wiki and no one had any idea how the stats were done, I decided to figure out a way to get stats. After much trial and error, I have gotten the fanon data to be just about the same at what Mathetesalexandrou had. As of July 2, 2016 4:51 PM (UTC), there are a total of 2103 fanon sims registered, there are 1114 female sims and 989 male sims. The male to female population ratio is now 1 male to every 1.126 female sim. That is a change of -0.811 from the previous data, which is continuing the tread towards gender balance. Below is a break down of fanon sims into signs and occults comparing previous data from July 23, 2015 12:01 AM (EST).

Signs Male/Female Female:Male Ratio Total
Capricorn 40/41 1.025 (-0.141) 81 (+29)
Aquarius 56/71 1.268 (+0.036) 127 (+31)
Pisces 43/65 1.512 (-0.757) 108 (+23)
Aries 89/68 0.764 (-0.027) 157 (+28)
Taurus 47/47 1 (+0.171) 94 (+19)
Gemini 59/57 0.966 (+0.046) 116 (+20)
Cancer 70/70 1 (-0.24) 140 (+19)
Leo 46/60 1.304 (+0.015) 106 (+19)
Virgo 53/82 1.547 (+0.11) 135 (+18)
Libra 57/67 1.175 (-0.036) 124 (+9)
Scorpio 59/68 1.153 (+0.075) 127 (+21)
Sagittarius 58/49 0.845 (-0.132) 107 (+20)
Occults Male/Female Female:Male Ratio Total
Alien 24/19 0.792 43 (+9)
Genie 2/4 2 6 (-2)
Fairy 10/23 2.3 33 (+20)
Witch 31/50 1.613 81 (+48)
Normal 741/826 1.115 1567 (+914)
Simbot 2/1 0.5 3 (+0)
Vampire 21/27 1.286 48 (+11)
Werewolf 17/10 0.588 27 (+16)
Zombie 3/1 0.333 4 (+2)
Ghost 124/154 1.242 278 (+132)
Alien hybrid 15/27 1.8 42 (+28)
Mermaid 1/11 11 12 (+10)
PlantSim 8/3 0.375 11 (+10)
Mannequin 3/1 0.333 4 (+4)
Imaginary friends 1/3 3 4 (+4)