Aspiration benefit

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The Sims 2: FreeTime This article is about Simology.

Lifetime Aspiration Benefits become available to Sims as they fill their Lifetime aspiration bar. There are four areas in which these can be spent: motives, work, primary aspiration and secondary aspiration. Benefits must be gained in order per category. Children can only spend points in the motives and work categories until they choose a primary aspiration when they become a teen.

Benefits which slow motive decay are cumulative. For example, if a Sim has the first benefit in the Motives category, and is given the first benefit for the Knowledge aspiration, his or her Social motive will decay even slower.


Slower Motive Decay - Social and Comfort

Sitting in a coffee shop with a friend is a great way to unwind, but you've learned there are times when a responsible Sim has to ignore their desire for social interaction and comfort.

Slower Motive Decay - Bladder and Hygiene

For some vain Sims, personal hygiene can take up hours per day. You, however, exhibit the effortless perfection that only the truly self-confident can pull off.

Slower Motive Decay - Fun and Hunger

Like most Sims, you love slacking off with a bag of chips in front of the TV. However, you're mature enough to know you need to take care of all your responsibilities before giving in to such temptation.

Slower Motive Decay - Energy

When those around you seem to drag through life like as groggy zombies, it's easy for someone as happy and healthy as you to feel energized all through the day.


Life of Luxury

No matter how career-oriented a Sim may be, vacation days keep their morale up and their head clear. Your employers value you so much that they let you build vacation days much faster than your colleagues.

Business Instinct

While some Sims may try to weigh the pros and cons of every decision, the profits often go to whoever makes the right choice the fastest. You always go with your gut, and your career chance card choices are right eighty percent of he time, every time.

Friends in High Places

When you're buddies with an executive, you get promoted even though nobody else likes you! Your friend requirement for any promotion in any career is reduced by one.

Plead for Job

A true go-getter doesn't let a little thing like getting fired stand in the way of their career! This interaction, available on all phones for 24 hours after being fired, allows you to appeal to your boss for one last chance. (This benefit only applies to standard careers, not to Sim-owned businesses)[1]


Grandma's Comfort Soup

A family recipe passed down through generations, this savory soup increases the comfort of any Sim who eats it. It also cures the Sim of any sickness they may have.

Slower Motive Decay - Fun and Comfort

Any good parent knows they need to put the needs of their family before their own. To ensure that your family gets the most fun and comfort you can provide, you're willing to forego some in your own life.

Plead with The Social Worker

Every parent makes mistakes, but it is possible to get a second chance at raising your kids. If the social worker comes to collect your kids as a result of poor parenting, you'll have a chance to plead your case with her. The higher relationship you have with your kids, the more likely she is to hold off on taking them away.

Super Fertility

What could be more adorable than a new bundle of joy in the family? A matched set! You or your partner have a greatly increased chance of giving birth to twins when becoming pregnant.


Skilled Negotiator

Fortune-minded Sims are naturals at the fine art of haggling, and what negotiation could be more important than the one for your salary? Your ruthless nature nets you a hefty bump in salary compared to other Sims.[2]

Slower Motive Decay - Fun and Comfort

If there's any place you should never find an aspiring millionaire, it's on the couch watching TV. While other Sims slack off, you're willing to shortchange fun and comfort in favor of that next big check.

Financial Advice for Cash

When people get the idea that you're an expert at something, it's a very simple matter to sucker them into giving you some of their money. The Give Financial Advice interaction, available on any computer, allows you to make money every hour from the comfort of your office.


For a smart Sim with good instincts, playing the stock market can seem like making money out of thin air. Each afternoon, you'll have a chance to gain or lose some of your family funds. If other members of your household have this benefit, your chances of making a profit are increased.


Slower Motive Decay - Social and Fun

While other Sims spend their time at parties and on dates, you've got your priorities in order for a lifetime of learning. You still like to watch TV or talk on the phone from time to time, but not as often as other Sims.

Impart Knowledge

You've spent so much of your life with your nose in a book that you can practically substitute for one. This interaction, under the Talk... menu, lets you offer to teach another Sim a skill you know well. Sims can also use the Ask... menu to request that you can give them a lesson.[3]


There are left-brained Sims, and there are right-brained Sims, and then there's you. By thinking with both hemispheres of your brain, you experience moments of clarity that make your learning rate much faster than those other half-brained types.[4]

Summon Aliens

What knowledge could be more tantalizing than that of life on another planet? This interaction, available on all telescopes, allows you to attempt to hitch a ride on any flying saucers that happen to be passing by.



Being the outgoing and gregarious Sim that you are, you're always quick to invite a new friend into your home. You are more likely to bring home a friend from work or school.

Slower Motive Decay - Bladder and Energy

A true party Sim knows that going to the bathroom or falling asleep is the surest way to miss a party's best moment. You avoid heeding the call of nature and you think sleeping is best left to babies and cats.

3-Way Calling

While a standard conversation may be enough stimulation for a normal Sim, the true social butterfly prefers a conference call. During a phone conversation with another Sim, you can use the phone to call a third Sim, and build relationship with both.

Fast Friends

A truly open-minded socialite, you value friendship with any and all Sims who cross your path. Your positive relationship gains with other Sims are always larger than those of Sims without this benefit.


Massive Attraction

If there's one thing you know how to do, it's strike up a conversation with a hot stranger. Using a combination psychology, wit, and sheer animal magnetism, you create a large boost in chemistry with any Sim you meet.

Slower Motive Decay - Hygiene and Energy

The hallmark of a true romance Sim is their ability to not only stay up all night, but to look and smell great for the duration. You can spend less time on sleep and hygiene, which frees you up for... other pursuits.

Local Legend

There comes a time in every Casanova's life when their reputation begins to precede them. Word of your romantic prowess has spread through town, and neighbors of your preferred gender are most likely to be found "coincidentally" strolling past your house.

Smooth Talk

Every romance Sim worth their salt knows the second most important thing to getting a lover is keeping them. The Smooth Talk interaction is useful not only to build relationship quickly with a potential romantic interest, but it also smooths things over a Sim who is Furious with you.


Fast Metabolism

With all the dining out you do, it'd be easy to let your phusique fall into disrepair. Lucky for you, you've got those enviable genes that let you keep in tip-top shape with just an occasional workout. You burn off fat much faster than normal Sims.

Slower Motive Decay - Bladder and Energy

To keep up a lifestyle of constant partying and late nights on the town, self discipline is the key. You've mastered the brutal art of the mid-week allnighter, and you neighbor's brother's friend's cousin claims he once saw you stand in line for a club's bathroom for six hours without even breaking a sweat.

Write Restaurant Guide

After spending thousands and thousands of Simoleons on dinner and drinks over the years, you've come up with a plan to recoup some of your costs. This interaction, available on any computer, lets you turn your food enthusiasm and cooking skill into guides that can be sold to a publisher.

Rowdy Folk Song

Between all late-night party animals there seems to be a shared knowledge of a song that won't be found in any book or jukebox. You have no memory of how you learned it, but it's a great way to build relationships with a large group of fellow revelers.

Grilled Cheese

Bottomless Stomach

The cheeseatarian lifestyle is currently not endorsed by any of the medical or nutritional advisory boards, and it's not hard to see why. However, for someone whose two major food groups are cheese and buttery bread, you manage to keep your figure remarkably trim. You gain fatness points from food much slower than normal Sims.

Slower Motive Decay - Bladder

You seem to spend every waking hour putting grilled cheese into your face. Where does it all go? Actually don't answer that. You seem to have a giant bladder, or just a special talent at ignoring the call of nature.

Paint Grilled Cheese

A little-known and possibly true fact is that the first cave paintings ever discovered depicted ancient Sims making and eating grilled cheese sandwiches. Turophiles throughout the ages have upheld this glorious tradition with such masterworks as The Gouda Lisa and The Swiss-tine Chapel. You can create your own foray into the genre by using any easel.

Conjure Grilled Cheese

Using a secret technique handed down through the ages, you are able to focus the mysteriously cheesy energies of the Milky Way and manifest them as perfectly toasted sandwich. This self interaction will create a snack to fill your belly, but all that magical concentration tends to be draining when it comes to comfort and energy.

Secondary Aspiration

Not every Sim is satisfied to spend their life in pursuit of a single goal. By choosing a secondary aspiration, you can unlock some of that aspiration's benefits. You will also begin to receive wants that were previously restricted to Sims of that aspiration.


  1. According to this post at Mod The Sims, the plea may not be successful, and the Sim may not get the same position back.
  2. The Sim will receive 1.5 times the normal salary for his or her job. This will not change the salary shown in the career tab, but the adjusted salary will be shown when the Sim is paid. This does not appear to affect what the Sim will receive for a paid vacation day.
  3. A Sim with this benefit can teach any skill he or she has at least 8 points in to a Sim who has fewer than 8 points in it.
  4. This does not increase the Sim's overall learning rate. However, each animation cycle spent in skill-building carries a chance that the Sim will have a "Eureka!" moment; a "flash of insight" into the skill that provides a sudden bonus to the skill.