Celeste GilsCarbo

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The Sims 3 Store

Celeste GilsCarbo
Gender Female Female
Age Child
Life state Sim
Celeste misses her old school and friends, but she is trying to fit in at her new school in Barnacle Bay. She loves her mom and would do anything for her. She also loves cowboy and plaid themed things!
Family/Families GilsCarbo family
Parents Alice GilsCarbo, Goopy GilsCarbo (Possibly)
Siblings None
Traits Excitable
Favorites Classical
Grilled Salmon
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue
Skin color Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Social standing
Celebrity status
1 star
1 star
Other information
Game The Sims 3 Store
Playability Playable
World Barnacle Bay

Celeste GilsCarbo is the daughter of Alice GilsCarbo, and possibly a relative of Goopy GilsCarbo. What that relationship is, or if there is any at all, is left to the imaginations of individual players. She resides in Barnacle Bay and misses her old friends. Her bio states that she loves cowboys and plaids.

In Italian, Celeste means Sky Blue, also in Portuguese and Spanish, it means something that is part of the sky or relating to God.

The GilsCarbo Family

Eduardo GilsCarbo · Carlotta GilsCarbo
Goopy GilsCarbo · Alice GilsCarbo
Celeste GilsCarbo

es:Brígida Chicascarbo fr:Céleste GilsCarbo ru:Селеста Джильскарбо