Ciara Aeravir

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The Sims 3: Dragon Valley

Ciara Aeravir
Gender Female Female
Age Child
Life state Normal
The ladies of Dragon Valley are brave, brilliant, and beautiful.
Education and employment
School Elementary School
Grade C
Family/Families Aeravir family
Marital status Single
Zodiac sign Virgo
Favorites Latin
Goopy Carbonara
Hair color Blue
Eye color Violet
Skin color Orange
Body shape Normal
Other information
Game The Sims 3 Store
Playability NPC
World Dragon Valley

Ciara Aeravir is a pre-made unplayable child newspaper deliverer introduced in Dragon Valley from The Sims 3 Store. She can be made playable by marrying her, or asking her to move in (when she's old enough).

Ciara has no traits instead of the normal three for her age.

ru:Киара Эравир