Felicity Usher

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The Sims 2 (console)

Felicity Usher
Gender Female Female
Age Adult
Life state Sim
Felicity doesn't believe it's necessary to hand wash shower curtains daily, unless of course the person cares about the health and well-being of her household! Scrubbiness is next to godliness.
Education and employment
Career Unemployed
Family/Families Usher family
Marital status Single
Household Rockwell Acres
Roommates Ossie Madison
Zodiac sign Libra
Aspiration Romance
Hair color Brown
Eye color Grey
Skin color Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 (console)
Playability Townie
Neighborhood Pleasantview, Strangetown, and Melbourne

Felicity Usher is a Sim that lives in Pleasantview on The Sims 2 console. She resides at Rockwell Acres. She is friends with Ossie Madison and seems to never reject socials, unless she's in a really bad mood.

Her personality, musical tastes, and appearance may be a reference to Hayley Williams of Paramore. Besides being a major female character in the plot she can also be considered the postergal of The Sims 2 (console), much like Jayde from The Urbz: Sims in the City and Babs L'Amour from The Sims 4.

Relationships and socializing[edit | edit source]

Felicity is often with Ossie. Since she is at the first house, the player's Sim needs to socialize with her to progress in the game. She hardly rejects social interactions, and is very easy to make friends with.

Simology[edit | edit source]

Sloppy 3 Neat
Shy 10 Outgoing
Lazy 5 Active
Serious 10 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice

Personality[edit | edit source]

Felicity is controllable only if married to the player's character (or if you have a really high friendship and ask her to move in with you at another location), and in freewill she will often go to the fridge and eat shabu-shabu. She will clean up immediately if there is rubbish on the floor, which is the opposite of Ossie's lifestyle. She will often turn on the stereo, and in the middle of the night she will hang around watching TV or dancing her heart out by the stereo (most of the time she will dance to Paramore or Kitty Shack unless you change the music). She has the Romance aspiration.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

She has brownish red hair that goes down to her shoulders, grey eyes and grey eye-shadow (though she does not have make-up on and every default female Sim not wearing make-up has the grey eye-shadow look) She is normally seen wearing black trainers, with brown pants and a white short-sleeved shirt with green/blue sleeves and a red bat on the chest. When conversing with her, she will usually have a big friendly grin on her face, though she will not grin if the player has a low relationship with her.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

pt-br:Felicity Usher