Ho Sung Kim

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The Sims 3: World Adventures

Ho Sung Kim
Gender Male Male
Age Young Adult
Life state Sim
Education and employment
Career Unemployed
Family/Families Kim family
Siblings Sun Young Kim Sister
Marital status Married
Romances Hui Young Kim Wife
Traits Adventurous
Hopeless Romantic
Hidden traits Asian Culture
Favorites Pop
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Skin color Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 3: World Adventures
Playability Foreign Resident
World Shang Simla

Ho Sung Kim (何成金) is a young adult Sim currently residing in Shang Simla. He resides with his wife Hui Young Kim and sister Sun Young Kim. He has 8 skill points in Athletic, 7 in Martial Arts, and 4 in Dancing hidden skill. He is one of the only pre-made Sims in the game to have one of the three traits introduced in The Sims 3: World Adventures, in this case the Adventurous trait. He also has the hidden Asian Culture trait. Also in the case of traits, he clashes with his wife as he is a family-oriented Sim while his wife dislikes children.

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ru:Хо-Сунг Ким nl:Ho Sung Kim