Lilly-Bo Chique

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The Sims 3: Late Night

Lilly-Bo Chique
Gender Female Female
Age Young Adult
Life state Sim
Mainstream fashion means nothing to Lily-Bo. She is proud to display her distinctive taste in clothes and make-up.
Siblings Flo-Flo Chique Sister
Marital status Single
Romances Beau Merrick Romantic interest
Household Mixture of Good and Bad household
Roommates Beau Merrick Romantic interest, Bianca Rubble, Marina Prattle
Traits Absent-Minded
Zodiac sign Capricorn
Lifetime wish Distinguished Director
Favorites Electronica
Dim Sum
Hair color Black
Eye color Blue
Skin color Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Late Night
Playability Playable
World Bridgeport

Lilly-Bo Chique is a pre-made female Sim living in Bridgeport, the neighborhood introduced in The Sims 3: Late Night expansion pack. She lives in a penthouse in the urban part of the city, with three roommates: Bianca Rubble, Marina Prattle and the newcomer, Beau Merrick. According to Marina's biography, the girls had been best friends until the introduction of Beau, since they are all romantically involved with him now.

Lilly-Bo also has a sister, Flo-Flo Chique, who is her best friend. She is good Friends with Matilda Smart and Suzy Strummer; and friends with Jun Xu and Ace Wilde.

She starts off working as a part-time actor. However, in order to have her lifetime wish fulfilled, the player will need to have her work full-time instead.

Her clothing is similar to Amy Bull's. Lilly-Bo and Amy also share 3 of their traits (Amy has charismatic and artistic, while Lilly-Bo is friendly and flirty), and the same eye-shape.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Image Skill Level
Bass 2

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Although her name is spelled as Lilly-Bo, her name can be found spelled as Lily-Bo in Marina's and her own Bio.
  • She is the only human Sim with a vampire sister.
  • With story progression on, she usually goes steady with Beau Merrick or Ace Wilde.
  • Of all the roommates fighting for Beau Merrick's love, Lilly-Bo will usually lose out to Marina Prattle or Bianca Rubble.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

pl:Lilly-Bo Chique ru:Лили-Бо Чик nl:Lilly-Bo Chique