Bianca Rubble

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The Sims 3: Late Night

Bianca Rubble
Gender Female Female
Age Young Adult
Life state Sim
A model employee at her law enforcement job, Bianca takes a turn for the worse once she gets home. She is a slob and untrustworthy. Will her roommates continue to put up with her habits?
Education and employment
Career Desk Jockey
Parents Unknown
Siblings Dwight Rubble brother
Marital status Single
Romances Beau Merrick Lovers
Children None
Household Mixture of Good and Bad household
Roommates Beau Merrick, Marina Prattle, Lilly-Bo Chique
Traits Slob
Hates the Outdoors
Zodiac sign Scorpio
Lifetime wish Forensic Specialist - Dynamic DNA Profiler
Favorites Pop
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue
Skin color Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Late Night
Playability Playable
World Bridgeport

Bianca Rubble is a pre-made female Sim introduced in The Sims 3: Late Night expansion pack. She lives with three roommates, Marina Prattle, Lilly-Bo Chique and love interest Beau Merrick in a penthouse home in the urban part of Bridgeport. She has a townie brother named Dwight Rubble, who is her distant friend. He is usually assigned as a paparazzi or bouncer.

She works in the Law Enforcement track as a Desk Jockey (Level 2), despite the fact she possess the Coward trait. She is described as being very good at her job, but troublesome and unreliable outside work. She and all her other roommates have romantics interest on Beau, which is causing tension in the household. However, before Beau's arrival, Bianca and her roommates were best friends, but now they can't stand the sight of one another. Bianca mostly visits the Prosper Room, and her bio states that she is not the right person to trust in. Bianca has 1 skill point in logic.

Bianca has no celebrity status at the start of the game, however with story progression on she will usually attain some.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Image Skill Level
Logic 1

Gallery[edit | edit source]

pt-br:Bianca Rubble ru:Бьянка Раббл nl:Bianca Rubble