Lottie Cash

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The Sims Bustin' Out The Urbz: Sims in the City

"It's totally super sweet to meet you! My name's Lottie Cash. I work at a coffee shop just outside town, but that's only until I get my inheritance."

Lottie Cash
Gender Female Female
Age Adult
Life state Sim
Lottie Cash, daughter of late oil tycoon Doyle Cash, lives fast, plays hard, and works... never.
Parents Doyle Cash
Hair color Blonde
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims Bustin' Out (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood SimValley
Lottie Cash
Gender Female Female
Age Adult
Life state Human
Lottie's move to the big city has shown her things her mother and step-father never taught her... like how to work.
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Green
Skin color Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Social standing
Rep group Richie
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Miniopolis

Lottie Cash is a female sim who appears in The Sims Bustin' Out (handheld) and The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld). She is the daughter of the late oil tycoon Doyle Cash. She resents having to work and has a whole lot of cash. She is rather unfriendly and doesn't enjoy jokes. Her name is a pun on "lot of cash". She is good friends with Crystal (The Urbz).

She is important to the progression of the storyline in The Urbz: Sims in the City, as she first alerts the player to the existence of Club Xizzle when mistaking them for someone who was there the night before. It's hinted that she might have a crush on Pritchard Locksley, stating that she often hangs outside the theater hoping he will notice her, and even has got his autograph 16 times. She is portrayed to be a spoiled daddy's-girl, even claiming she asked her dad to buy a soccer team for her and complains her current apartment doesn't have room for a second bowling alley.

The Sims Bustin' Out (handheld)[edit | edit source]

Description[edit | edit source]

Lottie Cash, daughter of late oil tycoon Doyle Cash, lives fast, plays hard, and works... never.

Social[edit | edit source]

Interaction Points
Annoy -1
Apologize -3
Brag +2
Call Name -2
Cheer Up +3
Complain +2
Compliment 0
Joke +2
Flirt +5
Insult -1
Intimidate -4
Gossip +2
Interests +1
Secret +1
Tease -3

The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Lottie's voice is taken from the female photographer in The Sims: Superstar.
  • In the Urbz, Lottie works in a coffee shop in the next town over to avoid being seen working.