Shikibu family

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Shikibu family
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Name Shikibu family
Members Cleo Shikibu
Number of generations 4 generations
Family connections Wan Household, Wan Family, Viejo family, Viejo household, McGreggor Family
Other information
Game The Sims 2: Seasons
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Riverblossom Hills

The Shikibu family is a pre-made family residing in the neighborhood of Riverblossom Hills. The only living member is Cleo Shikibu. All of Cleo's relatives, excluding her aunt Catherine Viejo, are deceased. By their names and appearances, it seems that the Shikibus are of Japanese ancestry. At the start of the game, Cleo is living with her best friend Patricia Wan, and has a crush on Leod McGreggor.


The name "Shikibu" is a homage to Japanese imperial author Lady Murasaki Shikibu, who is most famous for writing "The Tale of Genji."

Family tree
