Vasquez family (Moonlight Bay)

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The Vasquez family
Vasquez family (Moonlight Bay)
Heather has been dancing on clouds ever since marrying her new husband, Tyler. Tyler loves to dote on his new wife despite the ribbing he gets from his coworkers about marrying an older woman. Elaine, on the other hand would have rather stayed with her bio-dad. Can Tyler and Elaine work out their differences or will things always be uncomfortable between them?
Name The Vasquez family
Members Tyler Vasquez, Heather Vasquez, Elaine Austen
Number of generations 2 generations
Family connections Austen family
Lot Garage-Mahal
Funds §20,000
Difficulty level 2 of 6
Other information
Game The Sims 3 (console)
Playability Playable
World Moonlight Bay
For the family with the same name in Midnight Hollow, see Vasquez family (Midnight Hollow).

The Vasquez family is a wealthy family living in the neighborhood of Moonlight Bay. The family consists of Tyler Vasquez, his pregnant wife, Heather Vasquez and Heather's daughter, Elaine Austen. Elaine doesn't seem to get along with Tyler or Heather very well, even though a new baby is on the way. They are one of the few families that the player has an option to play as. Heather often gives birth to a daughter, thus giving Elaine a half-sister. It is the player's choice to decide whether to mend Tyler & Elaine's relationship. Elaine displays characteristics of a wild-child and probably acts as a social speed-bump to Tyler's high-flying political career.

There is a Vivienne Vasquez living in the downloadable neighborhood of Lucky Palms. Whether they are related to Vivienne is purely speculative and is up to the player's imagination. There's also a Vasquez family in Sims 3 Midnight hollow who they might also be related to.

ru:Семья Васкез (Мунлайт Бэй)