Bella Goth (Lunar Lakes)/theories

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  • Theories for who this Bella Goth is and whether she is related to Bella Goth from Pleasantview and Sunset Valley


  • 1. Maybe EA decided that since Bella was a very popular and controversial character they would place a character with that name as a ghost in an outer space related town.
  • This Bella Goth could be a clone that the aliens made of her from the past. She would have been on another planet because she was created by aliens. She might have been there for human reasearch but when the Sim's ship crashed, it drove the aliens away. Why she is blonde might be because her true genetics from the real Bella Goth's mother showed up, and the eyes might have been a mistake. The green skin is most likely from the aliens needing extra DNA when making her, so they gave her their DNA. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

  • She could be the real Bella Goth, looking this way because she's either been buried underground for years, or underwent all sorts of tests from aliens. (Could also be an explanation for why she has slightly different traits?) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

  • Well, since she was abducted by aliens in Pleasant View, perhaps after they experimented on poor Bella this is how she turned out. Her personality certainly would have changed after that kind of ordeal. As for her appearance - Maybe all of the alien's tests and et cetera made her very ill and her skin turned a sickly shade of green, and her hair and irises bleached from the sickness...when she died they buried her on their home planet. Or... since there aren't actual aliens in Lunar Lakes, maybe they returned her to earth before she died. In her dying state she still wanted to go aboard the Perigee, but upon the Perigee's crash/arrival she passed away from her illnesses, and was the first sim to be buried on their new home planet. (On that note, let me just add that she frightens me, and I hope I never run into her in Lunar Lakes) Madi23 Talk 20:45, February 26, 2012 (UTC)

  • So, Bella was abducted in Pleasantview and ended up in Strangetown, which can be proved if you played The Sims 2 for PSP. In the PC storyline, where she appears as a townie, she doesn't remember anything - the experiments wiped out her memories. However, in TS2 for PSP, she's trying to get home. Now for my theory: Since she appears in The Sims Social, she must have given up and moved on with her life and moved to Littlehaven. After a while, she somehow must have travelled in The Perigee and she must have helped the colony to establish. Then, she passed away. Since all deceased Sims in Lunar Lakes have yellow skin and are blonde (Coincidence? I don't think so), the alien ground must have dyed their skin and hair colours, and she started to decompose (that's why her face is so bony). DanPintalkcontribs 10:43, March 10, 2012 (UTC)

  • I think that Bella Goth was abducted by aliens and dropped in Lunar Lakes but before the Sim got to Lunar Lakes she died from old age.

  • EA probably just made this sim have the name Bella Goth to confuse players or something.

  • I say the aliens cloned her. Multiple times. The first time they tried, the clone didn't have any memories, so they discarded her into Strangetown. That would explain why, when transfered, Mortimer, Cassandra, and Alexander don't recognize her as family. The second time they got her right, with all the memories, personality, and appearance, and kept her as a backup, but she managed to run away to Littlehaven. The aliens kept the original Bella, conducting experiments, taking years away from her life and draining pigments from her hair and skin, and when she was nothing but a useless shell, they dumped her in Lunar Lakes to fend for herself. In the last days of her life, the other Sims came, but before she got to know them properly, she died, and the new settlers buried her.

  • In my opinion she is the clone of Bella Goth of Strangetown, and the aliens sent she to lunar lakes but with a different appearance for an unknown reason, and live there until he died of old age.or maybe that as many sims lunar lakes are from the earth she is the real Bella, and resided there until he died of old age.--Darlenebunch 23:07, March 24, 2012 (UTC)

  • Maybe Strangetown is Lunar Lakes and Aliens were experimenting on Bella and she is destroyed from experiments.

  • I think that there are three Bella's. The original, the memory-wiped Bella, and the perfect clone of Bella. The memory-wiped Bella resides in Strangetown, the perfect clone fleed to Littlehaven, and the original, I'm guessing the aliens desided they had no need for Bella and whatever their plan was, was a success, so they dumped her at Lunar Lakes. She was an old woman, and I doubt she was ill from any experiments, because it said she died from old age, although keep in thought, EA could just be playing with our heads and decided to add a old woman named Bella Goth just to see what we could think of. Anyway, the original Bella's traits altered most likely due to all of the experiments. I suspect that the aliens thought anyone from her childhood or anyone who possibly heard of or had something to do with her disapearance may recognise her, so they dyed her hair blonde, and made her skin green. This still doesn't explain why all the other deceased people in Lunar Lakes are the same, blonde hair and sickly green skin. Interesting how EA tied in a love story for us all to solve. I can't wait until everything unravels, but for now I guess we'll keep guessing with every bit of evidence we can get.

  • The whole point of having another Bella Goth makes no sense. Unless this is one of the Goth's (as in Cornelia, Gunther, and Mortimer) relatives, than it would be impossible. Bella Goth was abducted by aliens in Sims 2 from Pleasantview, and the second Sims game is set 50 years before Sims 3. So, it could be possible that this is THE Bella Goth from Sims 2, but that could only be possible via Time Travel or something. The description of Lunar Lakes says that it was founded by a bunch of different families, so it's possible that this Bella did not neccesarilly marry into the family via Mortimer, but could possibly be a real member of the Goth family. Or it could just be some random person. Every ghost in Lunar Lakes has blond hair and green skin, so why bother? I mean, am I right or what? :p

  • She cant be the Bella from Sunset Valley. I saved her to my sim bin and changed her to a child.She looked totally different. I guess the possibility is she was abducted by aliens, changed in apperance,and time travelled.....

  • Heres My Theory: I think she was abducted by aliens to save simkind from a disaster. They taught her how to drive the Perigee, and left her in simnation with it after swearing her to secrecy not to tell other sims about aliens. Bella then gathered up the few survivors who survived the disaster, a disease thar turned sims boney and green. She flew them to a planet in the Perigee, and named the planet Lunar Lakes. However, soon after she had settled in the new planet, she started showing signs of the disease. She died, along with a few other sims who had helped her fly the spaceship who had caught the disease off of her. Either that or she is just a random sim with the same name.

  • ^_^ In my humble opinion, Bella Goth- like Dina, Nina and Don- time travels whether it's against her will or not. I think this because of what she says to mortimer in Sims 3 when he asks her to the prom. She tells him that she would go with him but the aliens may abduct her at any time. Of course that could be a coincidence. I also agree with a lot of what DanPin said. Maxis themselves said Bella Goth of strangetown is the real Bella that was abducted. Why does she have yellow appearance? Everyone deceased in Lunar Lakes for some reason has yellow skin, hair and eyes for some reason. It must be something about the planet that does that to them while they're in the ground. A lot of people are attached to Bella since playing The Sims so maybe that's why they kindly made her die of old age instead of something horrible. Since there is a Mithilde Goth working as a mail-maiden in Lunar Lakes maybe some of the Goths got there on the Pedigree. Perhaps Mathilde is Bella Goth's daughter, grand-daughter or great-granddaughter since she looks similar to her. Or the buried Bella Goth in the cemetary could be a decendant of Alexander Goth who was lovingly named after his mother. But forgive me. I'm just assuming all of that ^_^ or Maxis is playing a prank and trying to keep us all fooled. haha! Bio 18:26, May 18, 2012 (UTC)

  • maybe the real Bella Goth when abducted by aliens eventually started a romantic relationahip with one and the Bella Goth in question is a descendant of hers named after her

  • ====Time flows much faster in Lunar Lakes, hence Sims' moods fluctuating rapidly when they're abducted. They usually spend a few years in space, which is a few hours in Earth-time. Bella was taken by The Perigee, which crashed and was, at the time, their only functional aircraft, thus they had to make a new one. So Bella didn't spend a few years on Lunar Lakes -- she spent her whole life. While the new ship was being built, Bella died of old age and was buried. The chemicals in the ground result in all the deceased having yellow hair and greenish skin, and her boney face and physique is because of decomposing. Once the new aircraft was built, they knew they had to get her back somehow, lest suspicion arose. Thus they recreated her from memory. There were a few slight mistakes and, as they were flying towards Pleasentview, the airship crashed in Strangetown, leaving them and Bella stranded. The alien flying the ship was none other than Pollination Tech #9, and him and the new Bella had to resume their lives in Strangetown. Thus a bit of a time warp was created, leaving the world with 3 different Bellas: The child found in Sunset Valley, Bella Goth of Strangetown and the deceased Bella in Lunar Lakes. The child and deceased Bella are actually the same person but, as time moves a lot faster in space and the Sims 3 is set before the Sims 2, we look at Lunar Lakes as having a completely separate timeline.====

  • You know how in the Sims 2 you get abducted by aliens and have alien kids? Bella (Strangetown) could've been abducted and had an alien kid and also named her Bella

  • Well, yes she could have time-traveled, but the problem with that is Lunar Lakes is already set in the future, so forget about her past in the sims 2. Like someone said before, the aliens plans were no doubt a success, but I fear she wont be the last abduction

  • Every deceased sim in Lunar Lakes has yellow hair and yellowy greeny skin so I think maybe Bella was cloned twice, one was dropped in Strangetown and the other in Lunar Lakes. Bella was kept aboard the spaceship. Bakerychaz 00:05, May 31, 2012 (UTC)

  • I don't think it was anything to do with cloning. Lunar Lakes is obviously a neighbourhood set well in the future, past the time of the sims 2. I think Bella was abducted from Pleasantview and left in Strangetown as a townie, several years later either she was abducted again or one of the survivors on the spaceship that got stranded in lunar lakes. As for her appearance, every dead sim their has yellow hair and green skin probably due to rotting etc and she probably looks bony and skinny again due to rotting. Another reason for her bony/skinnyness could be that she was one of the first on the planet so there would have been a lack of food causing malnutrition. Also, I think we should disregard her being in the sims social considering that isnt really part of the main storyline. And as for the people saying she could have died of disease, her tombstone and ghost colour clearly shows she died of old age. The entire of The Sims 3 is not set at a specific time before The Sims 2, this has been proven with the timelines of Riverview and Sunset being different and now we can see Lunar Lakes is clearly set after The Sims 2. Despite it being fun to try and work out the mystery of this Bella Goth, I think Maxis & EA have gone too far on this one considering they have left no further information. Hopefully a further expansion pack or some more store content will contain more clues as it will be interesting to see how this turns out. (talk) 14:03, June 5, 2012 (UTC)
  • I think that yes, this is the same Bella that was abducted. If Lunar Lakes is set in the future, ahead of its time, then the aliens could have possibly dropped her off there, and left her there. They maybe experimented on her excessively, to the point where she's physically and emotionally drained. Her drastic change in appearance is a result of this. She's fed up of it all. She's been experimented on against her will and dumped on a random planet by these aliens with no way of getting back to Pleasantview and her family that she left behind. She probably died willingly. She's just a big, fat 'FML' Sim. Her face to me looks like she's completely fed up of everything. XTrinityBlade (not signed in, on iPad)