Big Hartley

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The Sims 3: Late Night

Big Hartley
Gender Male Male
Age Adult
Life state Sim
Big has made a career of being friends with Tom Wordy, but he aspires to be much more than a personal bouncer. Will he make it on his own in the music industry, or will he forever live as Tom's shadow?
Education and employment
Career Rookie
Family/Families Hartley family
Marital status Single
Household Big Bling household
Roommates Lil Bling, Sugar Bijou, Tom Wordy
Traits Brave
Hates the Outdoors
Easily Impressed
Heavy Sleeper
Hidden traits Immune to Fire
Zodiac sign Leo
Lifetime wish Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous
Favorites Classical
Spice Brown
Hair color Light Brown
Eye color Brown
Skin color Dark
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game The Sims 3: Late Night
Playability Playable
World Bridgeport

Big Hartley is a pre-made male Sim who is living in Bridgeport with his three roommates Sugar Bijou, whom he disgusts; Tom Wordy, his best friend forever; and Lil Bling, who is his friend. He has a career in Sports with four skill points in Athletic skill, which is somewhat strange, as he is overweight.

Big Hartley has a very easy-going yet tough personality, and he is even Immune To Fire. He desires to earn some fame for himself, and become more than just being known as Tom Wordy's closest friend and personal bouncer.

Big Hartley appears to be a popular guy around the town and generally gets along well with his neighbors, being best friends forever with Rocky Tanker and Tom Wordy, good friends with Katelyn Missoni, friends with Mick Situp and Lil Bling, and distant friends with Kimmy Knott. He carries one book in his inventory.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Image Skill Level
Athletic 4

Gallery[edit | edit source]

ru:Биг Хартли nl:Big Hartley