Caliente household

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Caliente household
The driving personalities in this household are the Caliente sisters who are always fighting, flirting, and generally out to have a raucous party. They are showing Luisa the ways in misbehaving.
Name Caliente household
Members Dina Caliente, Nina Caliente, Luisa Libros
Funds §2,400
Difficulty level 3 of 6
Other information
Game The Sims 3 Store
Playability Playable
World Barnacle Bay
Caliente household
It’s no longer girls-only now that Caliente matriarch Katrina has moved in her mooching boy toy, Don. With three fiery, attractive ladies in the house, will Don remain faithful or will he get involved with more than one Caliente woman?
Name Caliente household
Members Katrina Caliente, Dina Caliente, Nina Caliente, Don Lothario
Number of generations 2 generations
Lot Sultry Springside
Funds §28,500
Other information
Game The Sims 4
Playability Playable
World Oasis Springs
For the family in Pleasantview consisting of Nina and Dina Caliente, see Caliente family.

The Caliente Household is a household residing in Barnacle Bay, a neighborhood downloadable from The Sims 3 store. The household reappears in the Oasis Springs world in The Sims 4.

Household History[edit | edit source]

The Sims 3[edit | edit source]

The Sims 3 household consists of the Caliente sisters - Dina Caliente and Nina Caliente, as well as a third member, Luisa Libros. Their bio text states that the Calientes are teaching Luisa new ways to live. It's possible that Dina and Nina lived in Barnacle Bay with their family, then their parents died and they moved to Pleasantview. However, Dina's biography contradicts this, and both Dina and Nina have more skills in The Sims 3 than they did at the start of The Sims 2.

All three women in the household are involved with Juan Jr Inkbeard, and both Dina and Nina are involved with Jeff Smith and Alec Trebo, which inevitably causes some tension in the household.

The Sims 4[edit | edit source]

The Sims 4 base game features Dina and Nina in an alternate timeline, living with Don Lothario and their alternative mother, Katrina. Although they do not have individual bios, the household bio text gives a similar story of a flirtatious household who may have troubles with commitment. The bio states that Don has joined the family as Katrina's "boy toy", although their relationship at the start of the game does not show this. It is implied that Don will develop his usual romantic interest in Dina and Nina as well over time.

The family is much wealthier than in previous installments of the game, having §28,500 in household funds (compared to just over §1,000 in The Sims 2 and §2,400 in The Sims 3) and living in a much larger house, in what is obviously intended to be an upper-class area of Oasis Springs.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Sims 4 is the second game to feature Dina, Nina and Don living in a single household; the first was The Sims 2 (console).
  • Despite the alternate timeline of The Sims 4, Katrina Caliente is the only Sim to date whose existence is actually contradicted in the original timeline, since she replaces Flamenco Caliente and Nighat Caliente as Dina and Nina's known parent(s).

Gallery[edit | edit source]

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